DuckTales, Woo-oo!


Nihilistic Mystic
Feb 28, 2014
This is about the show, not the games. I figured maybe someone else might be interested.

A few weeks ago I accidentally caught the pilot of the reboot (i saw it listed while looking for something to watch, and missed a minute or two of the beginning). I foolishly hoped it was one of the old episodes I grew up with, which it wasn't. I decided to give it a chance anyway, despite my dislike of the animation style, just in case it had the traditional adventure thing going on. At first it didn't seem to be like that, with more of an animated sitcom feel. That changed, and they went off on one of their adventures against Flintheart Glomgold. A bunch of the other classic characters were included, like Launchpad. I want to see Gyro Gearloose, Gizmoduck, and Magica DeSpell, and maybe Goldie if they use the same story that originally introduced her. David Tennant plays Scrooge.

They are even using the same song as the original. It turns out that the second to the last line is not what I thought. I always thought it finished off with "not goblin tails, no, DuckTales". Turns out it is "cotton tails", with no mention of goblins. When the song came on I turned it up loud so everyone in the house could hear, and someone started singing along! Maybe I won't have to watch it alone.

I would love to see a few of the storylines from the original return, like the popsicles they used for time travel. I mean, The Doctor regenerated as Scrooge McDuck (or do I have that backwards), so it makes sense.

Maybe they will bring back Gargoyles, too.