Release Enemy Territory: Legacy

No joy so far. I untared the linux version but couldn't seem to find the files. I installed the windows version and copied the files that were available in etmain and legacy that matched your listing. Still couldn't find several of them. It runs and I connected to a server and it downloaded files pretty quickly, but then I got an error. It was too small to read, but some a missing or incorrect token. I haven't played ET in awhile, but it is a good game. Hopefully we can get this playable. The nub configuration is a little confusing as it is the opposite of pandora default.
Yes, connecting to a server is not working well for now. When Pandora version will be official, hopefully compatibility will increase.

About Nub configuration, default is "FPS style", but you can invert the nubs configuration by changing the content of the "left_nub" and "right_nub" files (inside appdata/etlegacy/home).
Thanks. I don't think I fool with an omnibot server. I will wait until we are supported. This may encourage me to blow the dust off ET on my MBPR.
Pandora is now officially supported! That means you can connect to official server with the Pandora now. For now, only is running the 2.71rc2, so try some games there (with the build 02 PND) to test it work well.

Build 02


  • Update to 2.71rc2
  • Pandora is now officially supported, you can now connect to server!
Right. There should be some pandora exclusive server. Can we host one on eds server and have a Pandorabit that identifies non pandora users and blocks them?
Are the bots fast enough? If not maybe the dsp could help :rolleyes:
Anyway, ET:Legacy is more slowpaced and tactic based than Quake3. Bub vs Mouse should be less an issue than with a WoP for example.
I am still unable to join a server (even etlegacy server), are there any prerequisites im missing?
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I am still unable to join a server (even etlegacy server), are there any prerequisites im missing?
I was able to connect to server? I push the "enter IP" for that (wasn't seeing it in the long list). what's the error message you got?
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It doesnt give an error, it just hangs on awaiting gamestate... I was able to find etlegacy server by filtering for mods installed. Im trying to connect to
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Okay so I'm guessing to use full installer, but why is it 2.71rc1 i thought we're using rc2?
Okay so I'm guessing to use full installer, but why is it 2.71rc1 i thought we're using rc2?
The RC2 binary won't be released, because there are still unfixed bugs. But the server as been updated, so we can test the connection with the OpenPandora.

I cannot connect to server (nor any other server, but error may be different). When loading the game classes, I have the following error :

BG_IndexForString: unknown token

'Mobile Browning Bipod' :

{animations/scripts/human_base.script, line 19}

If it helps, I've attached my pndrun_etlegacy.

My etmain directory comes from the windows installation of etlegacy with the folowing files :

13/03/2013  23:39               302 campaigncycle.cfg
13/03/2013  23:39             3 976 etl_server.cfg
13/03/2013  23:39               201 legacy.cfg
13/03/2013  23:39               378 lmscycle.cfg
13/03/2013  23:39               578 mapvotecycle.cfg
01/11/2013  20:01         1 638 102 mp_bin.pk3
13/03/2013  23:39               378 objectivecycle.cfg
01/11/2013  20:01       228 138 631 pak0.pk3
01/11/2013  20:01            51 616 pak1.pk3
01/11/2013  20:01            89 910 pak2.pk3

Pandora version is (never tried with the previous one)




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