Release Firefox 14.0.1 in repo

Are you using the Code::Blocks PND to compile ? If yes, I can try to update python for next release if that can help ?
Just a quick one, I kept running into assembly code issues when I was trying to compile firefox, was it configure switch you used to get around it or just told the compiler it was a different platform? I spent hours trying to get firefox compiling so thanks for this :)
Are you using the Code::Blocks PND to compile ? If yes, I can try to update python for next release if that can help ?
I'm using installed ipk files, but thanks for the offer anyway.

Just a quick one, I kept running into assembly code issues when I was trying to compile firefox, was it configure switch you used to get around it or just told the compiler it was a different platform? I spent hours trying to get firefox compiling so thanks for this :)
I've got a set of patches & build options I've come up with since doing the Firefox ports, which work around the various compiler & build issues. Unfortunately each new version comes up with new problems to get around.

Still the good news is I've sorted out the Python & nspr-config issues that stopped the compiling of 15.0.1 from even starting. Baring any other problems, we might have a build by the end of the day.