(FOUND) Gruso - boards.openpandora.org Moderator

R.I.P Gruso, the only Mod with enough sense to ban me for a few days
Skyrim! I hope its as good as it looks and given it comes out a month after my twins do, I'll probabyl never see it.. *blast!*

I hope the hectic is for the good, that its paying well, dear Gruso


The younger they are the more time you have... but you will probably want that to sleep. Personal advice... focus on portable gaming. You get maybe six months of not so much movement and then bamm you are chasing them all over the house. Much easer t put the panda to sleep and pick up 15 minutes later than to put the desktop to sleep and come back days later.
Hey Gruso, welcome back!

In case you haven't read the boards, you missed a lot of drama, some cool software and not much else ;)
If you blink whilst reading these boards, you're liable to miss a lot of drama!

Welcome back, o' Gruso. Now you can try playing the other side and troll the forums!

NOD disk inserted. To play the GDI campaigns, please insert the GDI disk.
Welcome back Gruso, you da man!

So what's the scoop? where you been?