FS-UAE possible on Pyra?

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
I figure with all that extra power Fs-uae should run on pyra?

Its the best amiga emu available I believe.

I might message the emu author eventually, when the pyras specs are locked down.

On windows everything i throw at fs-uae just works.
lunixbochs' opengl shim is getting to be really good, by all appearances. I'm sure if someone did most of the work in getting it to compile he'd work with you to get any missing features going.
Well, comparing apples to oranges in the worst possible way, the Core 2 has 4.6 DIPS per clock at 2.4Ghz (or 11.04 DMIPS) while the OMAP5 gets about 4 DIPS per clock at 2Ghz (or 8 DMIPS), so the Core 2 is about 37% more powerful.

Of course, instruction comparison doesn't work that way, and there's probably a lot more factors into what it requires than just CPU speed, so really who the hell knows until it's actually been done?
Of course, instruction comparison doesn't work that way, and there's probably a lot more factors into what it requires than just CPU speed, so really who the hell knows until it's actually been done?
One way would be to compile it on Pandora first and see if it LAGS a lot, and then we'll probably have a good idea of the performance on OMAP5 after that.  
I recall the emu author once saying that the 1ghz pandora was not powerful enough to run this or at playable speeds at least.

I will message him at english amiga board when the pyra is further along.