

Active Member
Oct 2, 2007
I love Gmenu2x (I think that's how you spell it) Anyways I noticed one problem... When I go to run games or emulators that use the Squidgehack, Squidgehack does not activate. Thus slower gameplay. IS there any way to fix this?
How do you know that this is happening? I use GMenu2X but Ive never noticed this problem. I should say that I installed GMenu2X and never looked back though.

What programs is this happening for and on what version GP2X?
When I use Notaz's Nintendo Emultor in the options it say (Squidgehack now inactive) It also does the same thing in Notaz's Pico Drive
you could telnet in and look for the debug line that says something like 'mmuhack in use' ?
or do an 'lsmod' to see if it's installed possibly?

I've insmodded the hack in my game but appeared to get very minimal benefit, if any.. thought it would speed up fb access :( (not that I need it anyway, currently trying to slow things up!). The mod says it's installed though, so I guess it does no harm either.

EDIT: speelink
HackModford said:
When I use Notaz's Nintendo Emultor in the options it say (Squidgehack now inactive) It also does the same thing in Notaz's Pico Drive
It looks like you forgot to copy mmuhack.o, or the emus might be unable to find it for some reason. Are you using the latest gmenu?

kevcal said:
I've insmodded the hack in my game but appeared to get very minimal benefit, if any.. thought it would speed up fb access :( (not that I need it anyway, currently trying to slow things up!). The mod says it's installed though, so I guess it does no harm either.
Simply insmoding is not enough, you have to call
open("/dev/mmuhack", O_RDWR);
or it won't do anything.
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Cheers for that - half-reading the wiki isn't as productive as it should be!
Will look into it... :) thanks very much!!

EDIT: Damn.. I have opened it :( I just forgot I had.

int mmuhack(void)
int mmufd;
system("/sbin/rmmod mmuhack");
system("/sbin/insmod mmuhack.o");
mmufd = open("/dev/mmuhack", O_RDWR);
if(mmufd < 0) return 0;
return 1;
kevcal said:
EDIT: Damn.. I have opened it :( I just forgot I had.
Are you doing it after you mmap your framebuffers/init your graphics lib?
Also, there is one mmuhack.o spread around which doesn't work in most cases, try the one from PD.
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