Gmu Music Player 0.8.0Beta1 For The Gp2X (Open2X) Released


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2005
I have just released a new version of the Gmu Music Player.
The two most notable new features are internet streaming audio support and a graphical spectrum analyzer.


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Though the readme says to run the setup utility if you have an f200, there does not appear to be a setup utility supplied in the zipfile. Also, there is no f200 keymap supplied in the zip file even if there was a setup utility - is there anyway you could post the f200 keymap and/or the setup utility? Thanks!

wejp said:
I have just released a new version of the Gmu Music Player.
The two most notable new features are internet streaming audio support and a graphical spectrum analyzer.


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I must have forgotten to include the f200 keymap in the release zip file, so here it is: gp2x-f200.keymap. You are right that there is no setup utility with the current version, I'll update the README.txt accordingly for the next release.
To use that keymap you have to edit the gmu.gp2x.conf with a text editor and change the line "KeyMap=gp2x.keymap" to "KeyMap=gp2x-f200.keymap".