Gotta Love The Boot Time :p

gazcart posted on Feb 11 2006 at 02:29 PM said:
would it be possible to have a save state on the OS, usually I want to go back to what I was doing before I switched it off.

If you could turn it back on to exactly the state just before you turned off, this would be great.

That's great in theory, but even if we got 2MB/sec from the SD card, that's still 32 seconds for a full save of the RAM (16 seconds if you don't care about mplayer and other stuff in the high ram). Plus you have the additional time for the snapshot software to boot up and configure everything, etc, It'll boot from scratch with a fresh slate in little over that.
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There's another way around that, that doesn't involve saving the entirety of the RAM (and is friendlier to 128MB SDs), and that would be every app having a snapshot feature, so when you shut it off, it saves whatever it needs to a file and re-loads it on reboot, when the menu calls it with a certain command-line parameter. This would, however, involve additional code being added to every program and a level of communication between developers and GPH much higher than what we have now.

Either way is equally improbable, so don't get your hopes up.
Linux software suspend only saves in-use portions of memory, and it can gzip it as well. I wouldn't count on using it while in a program though - it requires enough extra memory to hold a compressed copy of the existing contents at the same time or it doesn't work. I got it working reasonably well on my laptop, but it's quirky and sometimes suspend stops working until you reboot.
My boot time is exactly 41 seconds with or without sd i'm booting from perfectly cold eg starting the timer from when i turn the switch on not after the white screen. I find it a ridiculous time. Whats the boot time for 1.4.0 from fully cold ?
unlucky posted on Feb 13 2006 at 10:25 AM said:
My boot time is exactly 41 seconds with or without sd i'm booting from perfectly cold eg starting the timer from when i turn the switch on not after the white screen. I find it a ridiculous time. Whats the boot time for 1.4.0 from fully cold ?

Just did some tests with 1.4.0 ...

with sd: 00:01:03.3
with out sd: 00:01:03.7

Even though the boot times are much longer on my 2x, I have NOT had it hang on boot since I upgraded.

Edit: Tried the tests again after it had been warmed up, same thing. Overall I'm happy with the direction that 1.4.0 is going. It's going to be a nice upgrade after everything gets smoothed out. I doubt I'll be downgrading.
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I dont think i'll be upgrading i dont get any hangs unless i change something on the card so i guess i'll leave it i cant believe its now longer hopefully the real 1.4.0 release wont be as bad