Gp2x News Feeds On Sky Interactive


Certified Guru
A few weeks ago I was sitting on my fat arse in front of the tv when I stumbled across a new area on Sky Interactive for internet sites which was locked out to developers only. I signed up with the intention of playing around with something for work, but then realised that work stuff was boring and decided to do something interesting first instead.

The result is a site that pulls in rss or atom feeds and formats them for the tv (Sky can't show websites, they have to be specially written in WTVML). I've just seen an announcement that the developer lock has been lifted, so my site is now officially available. To view it you must have Sky (and, therefore, be in the UK), and your box needs to be plugged into a phone line (all sites on the new portal are accessed over dialup, not broadcast like the normal red button stuff is). Press the interactive button, then find the Skynet portal (earlier today the link was still called 'Skykeys / Internet sites' - don't know if they've changed it to Skynet yet). When you get to the portal, you can get to the site by browsing (go to a-z and select g, or browse to whatever category I put it under (can't remember where it is now)), or by going to enter url and typing in

There's not many feeds there at the moment due to the fact that there's not many good feeds around. I didn't bother adding feeds that don't contain the body of the story (links out to an article are no good without a web browser), feeds that haven't been updated for months, or anything that isn't in English. If you know of any other good feeds then please let me know (but don't bother telling me about the other ones listed on - I've taken the only ones currently worth using from there).
i noticed this a month or two ago when they rolled out the new software update but when i visited their site there was nothing there so forgot about it until now.

ill probably sign up for it myself but if you havent already you can add emuholics rss (all news, but i can make a gp2x one if you want) feed at which i have just updated to show the body of the story.
Thanks Guyfawkes :)

Any chance you could add the body to the gp32 and gp2x feeds? I'd like to just do gp2x/gp32 stuff for now and don't want to end up as a general handheld site. I added your feed anyway though just to fill things up a bit :).