GP2X Gp2Xmb

This really would be an awesome Idea. The XMB is so easily hacked, and there are TONS of really really AWESOME cxmbs (custom xmbs) out there.

Wow, this would make theming so much fun.
There is already a port for the dingoo:
Would like to see it on wiz, too :)
jacksterson said:
This really would be an awesome Idea. The XMB is so easily hacked, and there are TONS of really really AWESOME cxmbs (custom xmbs) out there.

Wow, this would make theming so much fun.
Umm... GP2XMB is just a copy of it, and shares nothing in common with the PSP XMB besides a general appearance. It is also sadly rather slow, and lacking in features which is partly why it got dropped from Open2x in favour of GMenu2x.
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Third party menus are useless on the Wiz right now because they don't re-load when you exit an app. So you would always be loading an entire menu just to load one game etc, then reloading the whole thing again when you wanted to run something else. It isn't practical until GPH fixes autorun to work right.
But on dingo it looks fast :p
Maybe Because it has MIPS. I don't know if MIPS is faster than ARM. But If it was droped by lack of speed on Gp2x (f100 or f200). Hello! Wiz has a better cpu :)(and GPU)(Gpu can do animations,background)

I know the wiz autorun bla bla bla :) But It's linux... Why can't we hack it?
Maybe they were working with a different version on the Dingoo? All I know is, it took about a minute to load when we plugged the latest SVN code into Open2x.