Gp32 2?

not wild speculation, being a business person myself, it just doesn't make sense how they can afford to do it, but then again, i guess that developing programs for the Korean military could bring in some hefty $$$

EDIT: sorry, let me explain. Every other system on the market is sold at or below the cost it is to make it and profit is made on the software. Gamepark basically has no software profit so it needs to make its money from systems. If they do make another console, it probably will be within the $400-500. price range i would bet. If you estiamate the total amount of systems sold, lets say Gamepark sold within 4 years, 10,000 systems at an average price of $170 per piece, that would be $1,700,000. Say it cost Gamepark $80 to make each system, that is then $800,000 spent to make the system and a net profit of $900,000. Hardly enough money to keep a business up and running or even enough to spend on developing more and better hardware. But thats just estimation, i actually think 10,000 systems is a bit high.
What happened to the GP32 2? Is it going to be released? If, then when?

//Talyz Prower

This again. Do we really need this topic every month. It has been said many times that it has beed delayed indefinetly, so forget about it.

Besides if there was news don't you think someone would post a topic about it? ;)
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What happened to the GP32 2? Is it going to be released? If, then when?

//Talyz Prower

This again. Do we really need this topic every month. It has been said many times that it has beed delayed indefinetly, so forget about it.

Besides if there was news don't you think someone would post a topic about it? ;)
I meant news since the first topic was started. I don't have time to check the news all the time, as I'm not at home all the time.
But I'm sorry if I'm beeing irritating :rolleyes: .

EDIT: Oh, and thanks for the link, Yuglooc... :)

//Talyz Prower
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I remember reading on some other site that the release date was estimated between 2007-2008. I can't remember what site, though, and I'm not sure when that information came about, so I'm not sure how accurate it is. I'm pretty sure the release won't be at least until sometime in 2006, because I remember reading in a thread here that Gamepark had decided to spend 2005 releasing the BLU in more European countries. Of course, I'm not sure if/how that will change with the BLU+ situation right now.
the reason he says probably never is hardly unfounded. Gamepark have to be one of the worst business in the world. Make a class console but seem to know nothing about running a business.
the reason he says probably never is hardly unfounded. Gamepark have to be one of the worst business in the world. Make a class console but seem to know nothing about running a business.
It's true. I mean, they had a chance to release the GP32 a few months before the GBA release date! Instead they chose to wait, and consequently the GBA trashed the GP32 in Korea. <_<

Edit: You want more stupid things that Gamepark's done? They blew their deal with CAPCOM, blew their deal with SEGA, never finished the RPG "Highmoss", never released the sequel to "Antonishia Story R", chose not to translate Antonishia Story R into english, blew their deals with at least 2 companies that wanted to release the GP32 in Europe (although it's arguable who broke the deal first), and of course, started buying "faulty" LCDs from Taiwan that won't work for homebrew programs without apparently realizing that most of their business comes from homebrew programs.

About the only smart thing they did after the release of the GP32 in Korea was cancel "Kisi and Kimi" (thereby avoiding becoming the laughingstock of just about everyone) and make GPCinema free.

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Well, be sure that all the GP32 - 2 stuff will be uploaded onto my GP32x File Archive ;)

So you can be sure you have a place to get your games when it's out ,)
How about--lets not bother Gamepark until they sort out the BLU+ issue, which they may be doing now.

Here's the relevant info.
I know of someone that is looking to buy a BLU but says that Lik-Sang is out and they don't know when they are getting any. Same for Play Asia and some others.

Does this mean that GamePark has stopped making the ones with dodgy LCDs and are fixing the problem? Or is it because no one wants to sell them anymore with the buggy screens? Anyone know?

I very much doubt they're changing the screens again, you'll notice they're also out of FLUs and the non lit versions neither of which have changed screens, I suspect they've just sold more than usual over christmas and are waiting on new stock. I think still have some though.

Gamepark are not answering email again, that could be related to it, we got a batch of 250 just before xmas day so we are ok until near the end of Jan.

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heya declaration!

**Blatent thread jack**
Play Kingdom of Loathing anymore?
Nah.... got bored eventually. I take it you dont play anymore either?

Might have another look soon.

Gamepark make money on hardware, unlike Sony etc.
They are still making GP32 units. Why would they continue to do this if they are making a loss on each one with no chance of software profit?

Gamepark are known to be working on a GP32 2, so why be so sceptical??

Plenty of companies make money on hardware- Think computer, MP3 and PDA sellers.
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