GP32 Praise and gpSCUMM stuff


Still Fresh
Feb 28, 2003
I got my GP on Tuesday and i love this thing!!! :D
I've already worked my way thru DOTT and am about to start on the Monkey islands.

Neway, has anyone here tried putting a talkie version of a scumm game on the the GP32? My bro kidnapped my CD of DOTT and Sam and Max when he moved out, and the only other CD SCUMM game i've got is "The Dig"... which doesn't quite fit on my 128MB card.
Basically i'm asking if it's gonna be worthwhile me nagging him to bring them back? :P

The GBA is dead... Vive la GP32!!!
So which one of these scumm games are under 128mb then i would be interested to know so as to buy them if i get the gp32.
All SCUMM games are under 128 MB if you only take the core file/music file. But both The Dig and Full Throttle use movies for the cut-scenes, and so don't really play all that well on GP32, as not only are the movies too big for the SMC, but (so far as I know), aren't suppored by SCUMMVM yet anyway. Nor are the fight-scenes in Full Throttle, as they use a non-scumm engine, so whilst all the games can be played, these two WILL be crippled if you play them.
:P Salut les gars (french to french) !
It's seems that a new version of VMSCUMM is gonna be released with the support of MP3 files for talky version of games... Hope it's gonna be released on GP32 too !! :)
Yeah, the current version of SCUMMVM does actually support MP3 files, but until ph0x gets his GP32 mended, he isn't going to develop GPSCUMM further than its current state, so we probably won't see that feature for some time yet. But maybe someday :)
Well i've now found a talkie Sam and MAx and it's Monster.sou file alone is 174MB :( looks like i'll have to wait till the MP3 or Ogg support assuming DOTT has a similar sized file.