Gpmagazine Competition


Boris Johnson: Cuddly Conservative
Dec 27, 2003
Stoke-On-Trent UK
Check The Official Site Here

The Competition webpage is up. You don't have to be a coder to take part; anyone can enter with nearly anything that is playable on a GP32; ROM hacks, movies, ZOT! games...the list goes on.

If anyone is interested in entering then please either post here or email me at .

Is there any interest?
I almost forgot to mention; NO FIRMWARE. Obvouisly the actual programs like Windups 2.0 would be fine, just nothing that would mean I have to flash my GP again.
Cool! I'll probably submit a very slightly updated version of my Goldeneye Doom 2 Wad (you do say updates can be small!).
Hopefully you can get some good prizes (maybe there are some black cases left over anywhere? :p ;) )
Does a small update mean that someone can change a pixel in the gfx, then enter it? ;)

Oh, and will apps be allowed? Or just games?
I suppose it does. But don't think I won't notice and mark it down ;) What kind of apps were you thinking of? If it is used on the GP at all, then yes. Even like a PC editor for a GP game.
What about a movie for playing in gp cinema of a gamecube being destroyed? I will put the name of the compotition in the name.
How about a movie of sam fisher being battered to death with his own shoes?
hail the bashing shoe!



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What about a movie for playing in gp cinema of a gamecube being destroyed? I will put the name of the compotition in the name.
If you made it yourself then yes; but please be aware that I love Gamecubes (sexually, to be brutal) and would not enjoy it.
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sam, just put the link to that video on here if you want to. but do not enter it into the competition as it would no be creative/original/good and IMO you should not get any credit for stealing a video and reencoding it. :rolleyes:

BTW I know that video and it's not that spectacular at all.
I wasn't going to enter it anyway. I did not steal it. An iternet friend made it with his friends and gave it to me to do what I want with it. I will make one smashing a gameboy pocket then.