Okay this looks great Monk, I really like the little ship model you've done so far, thats what I was hoping you would do.
I have a surprise for you!
Some answers for questions from the other thread:
:: We don't have to use the 3D engine I propose, but it is available and it works and its quite functional already as a gridwars clone because it presents a big playfield with objects and ships racing around it already. The engine I have in my personal kit is based on Wakebreaker, a very nice little demo that you might be pleasantly surprised to discover is already working as a game engine.
You can see screenshots of WakeBreaker here:
Here is a port of the engine from C++ to Python/pyglet:
(If anyone here has a Zii Egg, I ported it to Plaszma OS: http://w1xer.de/zii/ZiiWakeBreaker/index.html )
As you can see from this screenshot, its got all the bits we need.
Surprise, most of the work is already done, we can move rapidly into physics and modelling territory ..
To get the classic GW view, just change the camera.LookAt call to increase the Y of the camera from 10 to .. for example 90. Oila, instant top-down 2.5D view of the playfield, and most of the game engine is 90% done already. Heh heh!
:: Wakebreaker is a perfectly functional engine, already. It exists in C++ and Python versions. I have ported the C++ codebase to TB OS, iPhone, Zii Egg, and Beagleboard. Its a very neat little project, and I think we can definitely use it. What would be very nice is if we could use the python version of the app for the artists to work out their models, and then either port the python version (pyglet: not sure about this on Pandora) or take the models and fold them into the C++ version of the code. My preference is to use the pyglet version just for model previews but focus on modifying the C++ codebase to implement the rest of the GW stuff ..
:: Porting the existing GW code? If we get BlitzMax Basic on Pandora, sure thing .. or we can cross-port it to a new language, even python+pyglet would be nice, since its very much more accessible to newbies than a C++ project would be.
So you see, we already have a big step forward in terms of implementing our own GW clone for Pandora. I hope you guys are surprised by this!