Help connecting Bluetooth pad with Android Tablet


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
I'm sure this is pretty basic/obvious stuff, but after trying to fix for several hours I'm getting a little desperate.

Trying to connect an Ipega 9023  to a Teclast X98 Air II but even though it's paired according to the Tablet's Bluetooth settings the Bluetooth icon is greyed out & unsurprisingly there's no response from the controller in any games.

Am I missing something blatant or is there a more serious problem?

Any help would be much appreciated.
Interesting looking tablet.

Are you running Windows or Android on it when you try to use the controller? (Edit : Just read the thread title, so my guess is Android)

If you've just tried with one OS then try the other one as well.

When you connect the controller are you connecting in Joystick mode?

What games are you trying to use the controller with?

Have you tried connecting any other bluetooth devices? If yes did they work as expected?
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