HighMoss? Mage of BattleField?


Oct 26, 2003
Sup? Where are these games for the GP32?

-Mage of Battlefield
-Dice Conquest
-Neo Panzer

These are all sweet ass games? But where? Were they never completed?


Cz Gaming Site
Okay I'll answer it myself.

GorillaZero: No bro, they were canceled. Sorry.

GorillaZero (Clone): No sh!t! ok thx anyway. So the beta's weren't even leaked out?

GorillaZero: Are you serious, your posting rights have been revoked.

GorillaZero (Clone): azzhole!


I do agree, that was really stupid, and did not help contribute to the board whatsoever. Why did you even bother posting that? Just for the attention? As we say over at GameFAQs, you sir, are an attention whore.

And yes, I am an asshole.
And u guys still don't answer my question. so, why bothering posting???? So who's bumping? Not I. Neway, I still don't know. Is what i said true, were they canceled? I mean wouldn't they just release the sh!t, or someone leaked it?

Seriously, u were no help.

The source codes for the Snes emu's are quite good, I'm going to start working on my own very soon, once my 32 ram Gp32 is up and running.

you dont need the ram at all for anything yet certainly not snes :/ + well yes they did get cancelled most probably and there just weren't enough people involved probably for some1 2 leak it