How Do You Describe Yours?


"Very" Old Timer
Jan 31, 2004
I was at work today doing some seriously boring software installations on 6 PCs one after the other so I had the GP32 with me. I was playing some Goon Show MP3s (yeah I know but I am the GP32 scene old fart and some of it is bloody funny even now) when in walks one of the secretaries. "Ooooh what's that?" she squeals.

I came up with the following:

"It's a multimedia gaming handheld with music and video capability plus it has loads of other features." She went away well impressed having listened to the Goons, watched a few seconds of GPcinema and coo'd at sonic on FSMS. Better than my usual "Well it's a bit like a game boy but much better." type introduction.

So as the topic says. How do you describe yours?

Maybe we can come up with the killer introduction that impresses everyone although I doubt it somehow :D
c0ncept posted on Apr 29 2004 at 08:37 PM said:
Usually: "IT'S.....NOT....A....GAMEBOY!!!!!!!"

arrr, some people eh ;)
MWhahaha i know that!
i say:
"kinda gameboy but better... plays movies and music.. and nes games and some other systems"

oh new icon gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console
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'This is a GP32 from Korea. It can play games and films and mp3's. It is very cool watching shows like the simpsons on the go, followed by sonic 2 on Fgen and bit of my personnal music collection for later! Oh yeah it can alos serve as a book and a photo album

No for the last time is not just a slightly fatter Gameboy Advance, how many gameboy advances have you seen playing Sonic'

Ther typical response then is 'How much was that? Just under 150 QUID, WOW!!!!'

I say 'Why don't you buy one, it's worth the money' but they never do or not yet at least :D
" its KIND of like a gameboy...BUT its a shitload better! it can play genesis, snes, nes, sms, etc. it can also play mp3s and movies! and it can read books...all kinds of cool stuff that your retarded gameboy advance(d , just to piss em off :) )can't do!!!"

i brought it along on a trip with a couple of friends...oh the fun we had playing smb3....

OFF topic... my friend's calller I.D. turns up "beverage jim". werid...and i'm not really does... :blink:
I usually ends up with answering no to the "is that a gameboy"-question and then just say "It's my thing"...

I'm however unable to impress people since the only thing I seem to end up demostrating is Tobi-drumman ;)
usually goes like "its a gp32..." then i give up because they just arnt gonna get it...
Bunch of retards, my mates. And they all seem to love bomberman too. Strange :blink:
The best I can usually muster is, "It's from Korea."

Seriously, that's always the first thing that unconciously pops out of my head. Can't follow up something that stupid with anything else.