How Do You Get Rid Of Sprite Errors?

Don`t know exactly, but I had some when I tried my game Two-Sider in 16 bit mode, in 8 bit they are (nearly?) completely gone...

Erm, you mean these fragments on the screen that stay where they shouldn`t, right?
I think he is referring to those errors like in devlkore´s feenix shooter demo (that one with the documented source). I don´t know the exact reason why they emerge, but its dependant on the graphics/sprites you use.
Fishbong posted on Apr 6 2005 at 09:24 PM said:
I think he is referring to those errors like in devlkore´s feenix shooter demo (that one with the documented source). I don´t know the exact reason why they emerge, but its dependant on the graphics/sprites you use.

That`s what I mean, isn`t it?
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I fixed it in shoot, by adding this line:


After the "FRAME;" in the main loop.

I think if the background is doing something, it should solve it, has anyone had the same glitch thingies on a moving background?
doing that you are telling fenix that the background map changed and needs reblitting to the screen, so yeah, that would remove them. You could also try adding this in the code:


also makes Fenix blit the whole bunch to the screen everytime.

Edit, read the whole topic now:) yeah, either way should get rid of the artifacts

Shouldn`t that ^ take up to much resources/speed in larger games?
Just asking, didn`t need to use the command yet, but if I remember it sets the screen to a certain color.
Isn`t that much work to do every frame? (I`m knowing too less on these performance things).

And it only works in 16bit mode, no?
What's the "complete_restore" thing?

I know about complete_dump, but on it's own, that doesn't fix it.

(I know the problem is solved, I'm just curious)