How To Flip The Disk In Vice (C64)?


Still Fresh
Does anyone know how I can turn/flip the disk in Vice?

For example, Turrican after the title screen asks 'Turn the disk! Then press space'. Vice doesn't automatically flip the disk, if space is pressed the message is repeated. 'True drive emulation' makes no difference.

What's a C64 emulator if it can't play Turrican??? :)
trickytree said:
Does anyone know how I can turn/flip the disk in Vice?

For example, Turrican after the title screen asks 'Turn the disk! Then press space'. Vice doesn't automatically flip the disk, if space is pressed the message is repeated. 'True drive emulation' makes no difference.

What's a C64 emulator if it can't play Turrican??? :)

since C64 disks were one-sided, 'flipping' would make no sense
but as double side disks started to spread, C64 users used both sides by flipping
therefore the two sides of the disk behave as two different disks
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It's ok, I figured it out almost as soon as I posted :rolleyes:

My Turrican image was zipped, and contained both sides of the disk. Vice doesn't seem to let you select a file within a zip, it just chooses the first. Unzipping the file, loading side A then using the 'attach unit8' to insert side B when prompted worked.
By the way, there's an unzip option within Vice but it doesn't seem to do anything - can anyone get it to work? Would be very handy.

EDIT: Unzip only seems to work for single file zip archives. Which is quite useless!