How To Set Up Password Less Ssh Login With Dropbear


Aug 21, 2008
Where I am
(edit: See post #5 for instructions)

I'm used to openssh and using ssh-keygen -t rsa ...blah blah blah.....

Dropbear doesn't seem to include this, I installed Dropbear from the Angstrom repo and now have the dropbearkey binary but I can't seem to get it right, can anyone help? Again thanks!
Don't delete the thread. You should post the solution, in case anyone else has the same question.
I went to the host machine that I was connecting to which is running openssh and issued:
(this host had not had a public/private rsa keypair generated yet as I only go to it not from it, if there is a pub/private pair already follow steps 2-4)

1. ssh-keygen -t rsa -f id_rsa
NOTE: when prompted to enter passphrase just hit enter to avoid the prompts each time you login via keyfile

2. cat >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Copy contents of to the authorized_keys file by typing then open authorized_keys in your editor of choice and change the end of the last line to username@PANDORAHOSTNAME where username@CURRENTLYCONNECTEDHOSTNAME is
NOTE: This is still while your connected to the remote host.

3. SCP or transfer the files by any other means to your pandora in directory ~/.ssh

4. This is what I like to use to connect, I put this into a txt file and chmod a+x (filename) this small script also sets up a ssh tunnel then I set my applications to utilize SOCKS5 proxy by pointing them to port 7070. The line I use to connect is:

sleep 2
ssh remote host -p remote port -l your username -nN -D your chosen proxy port -o ConnectTimeout=5 -o NumberofPasswordPrompts=1 &
NOTE: You will be returned to a shell prompt after. If you want to make sure the tunnel and connection are up type ps auxxx| grep ssh you should see the command line appear grepped from your process list

If you just want a passwordless login that allows you to interact with the remote host just type user@host

If I fouled up the instructions please let me know and I will fix it. Hope my formatting makes sense as well :)