I think I should formly Introduce myself



It'd be pretty cool if he got it working on a Sony tablet :D
You know what I like to play Wii games on?

Nothing, most of them are crap!

On a more serious note. I use VNC (iTeleport) with my iPad quite frequently to diddle-about on my always-on desktop either from home or when I'm out and about and want to check up on something. It's reasonably performant, but I couldn't ever imagine gaming through it.

Cloud gaming just doesn't strike me as something I'd ever be particularly fond of. It seems like another step towards the 'you-don't-own-that-game-and-must-be-online-to-play' nonsense that's rippling through the PC gaming industry at the moment.

I like my low-latency local gaming, and am pretty confident that we'll be emulating all modern consoles on the go in a few decades time. Mmm... nostalgia.

P.S. Wii U. Ultra-wideband, dedicated video broadcasting wipes the floor with VNC.