I Think That Snes Emu On Psp Work Better Than The One On Gp2x Is It Th


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Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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i have a psp with snes emu tyl 0.4.2 and it play great. all games are playable with sound at worst with frameskip 1 ( except mario kart playable but a little slow on frameskip 1.) a lot of them fullspeed at frameskip 0 with sound. even ff6 and chrono works great at frameskip 1 or 2 depending where you are in the game.

i think that snes emu on psp work better than the one on gp2x Is it the truth ?

thanks for answer.
renejr902 said:
i have a psp with snes emu tyl 0.4.2 and it play great. all games are playable with sound at worst with frameskip 1 ( except mario kart playable but a little slow on frameskip 1.) a lot of them fullspeed at frameskip 0 with sound. even ff6 and chrono works great at frameskip 1 or 2 depending where you are in the game.

i think that snes emu on psp work better than the one on gp2x Is it the truth ?

thanks for answer.
Probably, I havent played the PSP version. GP2x version cant play Star Fox so I deleted it because I cant think of any other good SNES games
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Probably, the PSP is faster so there is no big suprise here.
I've heard many people say the GP2X one runs better.
I'm not sure myself, it seems pretty even.
The difference between GP2X and PSP is that many great apps are created or ported for PSP, and then never updated. I believe that with optimizations, a GP2X emulator can run better than an equivalent PSP emulator that's never had an update.
If the PSP scene was more like the gp2x one, I think there would be more updates, but its not, so there isn't :)

After all, feedback usually drives devs to continue developing there apps.
Sorry to trudge up an old post. But I have to disagree, in a way.
It is true that most snes games run faster on the PSP snes emu (I know, I have one).
But my universal SNES test is tetris attack. Which will bring a SNES emu to its knees for some reason.

Well, it brings PSP and GP2X to their knee's. But the PSP handles it worse. It is completely playable on the GP2X, and not even passable on PSP.

Since the latest version of PocketSnes supports game hacks, it seems the GP2X snes might have the upper hand. Way to go GP2X developers.
pocketsnes for gp2x runs almost every game perfectly playable within standard clock rates which is 250 and under. only game I found unacceptable was super metroid. needs transparencies in most parts yet with that on you need a fair amount of frameskip. with frameskip you barely see your gun shoot. If there could be game specific hacks to get that running better that would be great.

gp2x scene is great with a lot of collaborative work going on or at least devs picking up where other devs left off. look at the history of poketsnes. scene veteran reesy took a mix of squidgesnes (the previous favorite snes emu) and another emulator to finally give us an emulator that can do transparencies at a reasonable speed. After a few releases he stopped updating it. Headoverheels then took over and added several enhancements. Theres still room for more improvement but its very possible we will continue to get improvement to the snes emu.

Because of dedicated devs who listen to input from the community we have some of the best emulators anywhere for nintendo, genesis/sega cd, and now pc engine with cd support.
jbrodack said:
Headoverheels then took over and added several enhancements.
Yes, he added strange effect to music in FF VI
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hmmm. Super metroid with transparency ON, on psp runs like near fullspeed everywhere. With frameskip 1, it runs fullspeed everywhere if i remember correclty. i finished the games a few months ago.

Secret of mana plays fullspeed near everywhere with framskip 0
Final fantasy 2 (ff4j) runs fullspeed all the game with frameskip 1. im sure of it. at frameskip 0 it was running like 54-60 fps, it was too slow for me. better to run it 100% speed with frameskip 1.
Chrono trigger and FF3 (ff6j) runs fullspeed with frameskip 1 or 2 depending where you are in the games.
Castlevania 4, mario world and MUCH more runs all FULLSPEED with frameskip 0. rare slow down on castlevania 4.
MArio kart plays very well. On frameskip 1 it play always between ( 56 and 60 fps). even the little slow down bother me. i play it often with my snes so the difference seem worst. but at frameskip 2 always fullspeed.

Can you compare these game when playing on a GP2X with pocketsnes. i really want to know. please :)
For me a game with a frameskip of 2 or more is nearly unplayable. i play the original games since all of them was released some years ago ( i own them all actually full complete ), so i cant play it when its not feeling smooth enough.

anyway no snes game are unplayble on psp with yoyofr 4.2me with a frameskip of 1. But a 1 1/2 frameskip would be better for chrono and ff3 in Battle. the 2 games get 53 to 56 fps in some big battle at frameskip 1 if i remeber correctly.

( i never played a game with transparency off so all these stats are with transparency On for all games)
The Gp2x version is a little slower but it looks better on the screen IMHO. On the PSP the screen gets a little blurry as well. Also, the PSP one has less accurate graphics (layer issues) from my experience (SMW).
thanks for answer. how look the screen when pocketsnes is scaled to fit the full screen on gp2x ?
i dont find the psp full scaling so bad but its widescreen. but it look very small unscaled.
It looks shocking when it is stretched. PSP has the ability to do some filtering to make a stretched image look better. GP2X version lacks this ability, so a stretched image looks dodgy.
One benefit of the GP2X, is that its LCD does not suffer the intolerable ghosting that the PSP screen does. (Not sure if psp slim solves this)
Actually there has been some interesting action on the SNES PSP front.
Ruka (lead to believe) has been making some nice fixes and speed ups to SNES9xTYL in the form of some updated releases.

Many games run really well on this new version on the PSP. It includes the speed hacks that were originally found in the GBA version of SNESAdvance (and later ported to GP2X's PocketSNES).

Games which require transparencies seem to run really well - my favorite shooter on the SNES Macross Scrambled Valkyrie runs very nicely. The Firemen also performs flawlessly.

You do need to clock some of these games at 300Mhz to get it running well but many games work find at 266Mhz.

As for widescreen issues, I don't see the problem with just setting the rendering to 4:3. I know some people aren't a fan of the bilinear filtering but I don't mind it - I'd prefer to use this and use as much as the screen as possible (keeping the aspect ratio correct of course!)

The PSP version can also run games like Star Ocean, though I haven't tried Star Fox and the like.
Mario Kart seems to run fairly well too. On top of this there is a WI-FI adhoc mode which allows multiplayer gaming. I have't tried this as my PSP owning friends won't "stoop" to playing SNES games.

Snes9xTYL on the PSP has a nice interface and zillions of options so you can customize almost every aspect of emulation.

Despite all this, the GP2X does run some games faster - like Gundam Wing Endless Duel - which is really a damn neat little game.

Anyway, that's my impression. Set flamethrowers to 'stun'.
slaanesh said:
Actually there has been some interesting action on the SNES PSP front.
Ruka (lead to believe) has been making some nice fixes and speed ups to SNES9xTYL in the form of some updated releases.

Many games run really well on this new version on the PSP. It includes the speed hacks that were originally found in the GBA version of SNESAdvance (and later ported to GP2X's PocketSNES).

Games which require transparencies seem to run really well - my favorite shooter on the SNES Macross Scrambled Valkyrie runs very nicely. The Firemen also performs flawlessly.

You do need to clock some of these games at 300Mhz to get it running well but many games work find at 266Mhz.

As for widescreen issues, I don't see the problem with just setting the rendering to 4:3. I know some people aren't a fan of the bilinear filtering but I don't mind it - I'd prefer to use this and use as much as the screen as possible (keeping the aspect ratio correct of course!)

The PSP version can also run games like Star Ocean, though I haven't tried Star Fox and the like.
Mario Kart seems to run fairly well too. On top of this there is a WI-FI adhoc mode which allows multiplayer gaming. I have't tried this as my PSP owning friends won't "stoop" to playing SNES games.

Snes9xTYL on the PSP has a nice interface and zillions of options so you can customize almost every aspect of emulation.

Despite all this, the GP2X does run some games faster - like Gundam Wing Endless Duel - which is really a damn neat little game.

Anyway, that's my impression. Set flamethrowers to 'stun'.

lol - no need for any flamesuits, that was a pretty good summing up of state of play.

I have CFW PSP & a GP2X, and personally I use the 2X for SNES emu. The main reason is the sound quality. Whilst great on PSP, I find if you do not set the frameskip right (if necessary), the sound also reduces speed which really sounds crap on some games (i.e. the graphics and sound both slow down). I remember this happening on Donkey Kong Country. However, I have not looked for a new version of Snes9xTYL for a good while so perhaps the PSP now has the definitive emulations of snes .. .. . downloading latest version now to try out :)
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thanks for info. i have to try this version right now.

but i have to say that ghostling effect on psp reall annoy me. its the only problem. its not so bad but it easy to see it.

and i played all my game fullscreen in widescreen with bilinear, because you see more screen than in 4:3.
strange ratio first time, but with time you got it. i will use my pandora emu in full widescreen 5:3 too.
Oh my GOD !! i tried the new snes emulator for the psp. sorry guys but really, its beat gp2x snes emu a long way. this release is a miracle.

see my stats, i played it a lot : ( FULLSPEED = fullspeed with frameskip 0)

mariokart = fullspeed at frameskip 1. sometime at worst case 57 to 59 fps not really noticeable.

Final Fantasy IV ( or 2) = FULLSPEED no exception

Secret of evermore = FULLSPEED sometime 58 to 59 fps. cant see the difference when it drop 2 fps.

Super Metroid = YEAH FULLSPEED even at place with a lot of transparency sometime 57-59fps.

Final Fantasy 5 = FULLSPEED everywhere except in a the beginning of a battle the first second has a slow down.

Chrono Trigger = this has surprised me a lot. FULLSPEED at frameskip 1 , no exception. ( frameskip 0 is like 48-50 too slow)

Final Fantasy 3 = FULLSPEED at frameskip 1, everywhere except in the beginning of a battle, the two first second has a slow down.

Star Ocean = Fullspeed at frameskip 1, sometime in battle it drop to 55fps. i see the difference.

StarFox is slow sorry at frameskip 1, 14 fps and half speed.

Yoshie island = Near fullspeed at framskip 1. 50-60fps approx , depensing where you are in the stage.

all these games are FULLSPEED : mario all stars, castlevania 4 ( i will try more later)

i even forget the ghostling when i can play these games fullspeed. at 60fps ghostly is very hard to discern.

i dont think the GP2x can do something like that even if it become very optimized
renejr902 said:
i dont think the GP2x can do something like that even if it become very optimized
Maybe, maybe not. If the renderer etc was written from scratch in ASM for the GP2X it may perform as good. I doubt we will ever find out though as the GP2X SNES emus have been abandoned long ago.

I hate the bilinear on the PSP though. It makes everything a blurry mess.
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it's not the bilinear, is more the psp screen pixels refresh rate, it's good in 3d games to hide the aliasing (also no need for motion blur effects in racing games, it's built-in! lol.) but with 2d really sucks.
Imho the gp2x lcd is long way better, it surely have a narrow view angle but it's still great and much more clean than the psp one with things in motion

The gp2x can surely handle a really better snes emulation, just look at the picodrive, running almost all the megadrive\mega cd stuff without frameskip even underclocked at 150-170.