Idiots Guide? To cross compiling from X86 to Pandora


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009

Been a long time, left Pandora unused for awhile. Used it a lot for movies on my desk at work and my old school games (mega drive/PSX).

But lately it's been in a draw without the love and affection it deserves!

Is anyone able to help me out with a guide (baby steps even) of how to compile from source?

I'd probably like to download source and compile ON the Pandora.
I'm not worried about what program, nothing fancy. I have not done much (anything!) with MAKE.

I have never been able to get a program to compile from source on Pandora, I did try a few things like GUAKE but failed mostly.

Once I can get this done, maybe I'd like to try cross compiling from PC.
I'm just not sure where to start or what I'd need, been a very long time since I've done anything like that.
Been working on 3D Printers, Arduino and SQL.

Thanks in advance and hopefully someone can help walk me through it.
I do understand the basics and also understand that Pandora's repo's are custom, not full Angstrom.
Personally, I'd just recommend getting sebt3's VM, then you "setprj" and build as if you were on a Pandora IIRC (though it's been a while since I cross compiled anything)
The only major issue I had with using the old VM is it's too old you can't even update/add any packages if you need to... Mind you, running the toolchain installer on a newer kubuntu install didn't go over very well either, but I just defaulted to compiling on Pandora itself due to the projects I'm working on not being ridiculously large and only taking a few extra minutes to compile on Pandora itself.
Yeah, I found that if I was missing some libraries, it was best to build them myself using the VM so everything was aligned when moving to the Pandora
Thanks all!
im trying a simple one. 
Nano 2.4.x (current is 2.0.x). 
Tried basic nano, wouldn't install so now I'm running a make on ncurses 6.0 - taking awhile then I'll try build nano again. 

C/C++ dev tools (from pndstore). 

See how it goes
Note that if you want most up-to-date libs and compiler, you should use codeblocks pnd. It's huge (2Go), and include a command line like CDevTools (it's based on CDevTool by the way).
i believe I have it installed but last time I tried a big GUI opened up?

ill take a look - I know I D/L'ed a 2gb'ish codeblocks. 

Success! 2.0.2 upgraded to 2.4.2!
ill try some other stuff to see how it goes, don't mind filling the NAND, reinstall is quick and easy. 
Thank you all. I want to keep learning about this and cross compiling for when the Pyra is out, too. 