Install Gph Mplayer To Sd Or Nand?


Still Fresh
Is there any way to get the firmware MPlayer onto the SD or the accessible part of the nand? I know about MP2X but it's not very fast. Ideally I'd have the GPH MPlayer 2.0 running at 250MHz and I think most of my speed problems would be solved.
The source is available here...,0,0,0,46,1641
Is there a compiled version anywhere, or will I have to install DevC++ and DIY it?
Ta muchly.
Why would you want to copy it or compile it? Just run it from /usr/gp2x
The Mplayer on file archive is slower than gph one.
If you want a simple solution you can create a batch on your sd which launch NAND MPLAYER.
No need to reinstall something, just create a "shortcut" :)

After you can launch your shortcut from everywhere with enexfi

I've just creat a little shortcut, it work perfectly from enexfi, you can download it here
and past it where you want in your SD.

You can edit this shortcut and modify it to launch another application from GPH or NOT :)