Installing Cps2emu From A Mac


Still Fresh
Oct 8, 2008

I tried installing cps2emu on my Miz, mainly for Super Puzzle Fighter, and will probably run other games like the shooters and the beat'em ups. I could not get the rom to load. It turns out I need to run the batch file cps2conv.bat first and then place the cache files on the proper directory (cache, I believe). The problem is that I have a Mac and they don't run .bat files. Does anybody know how to convert the roms properly using a Mac?
Actually, never mind, I used a PC to create the cache files, saved them to a memory stick, and copied them to my Mac.
Hi !
Just in case you're still interested in doing it on your Mac.
I use CrossOver to launch romcnv.exe, and it creates a cache file in the cache folder.
Works fine for me.