Thew away PSP for a DS! WOOT
What emu is the best for gbc?
Not if you change the frameskip settings.fGB is sometimes a little too fast with older Gameboy games.
fGB is sometimes a little too fast with older Gameboy games.
Not if you change the frameskip settings.
He may be refering to the whole "If you change the game - you will trash the SRAM for the previos game"-problem.Sponge BoB posted on Apr 18 2004 at 11:18 PM said:what do you mean can u only play one game. it can play most games ivetried. And if u mean one game at a time, why would u want to play more than that.
Actually u lose save states in fgb if u stick like 10 games on and save with them AND than either delete or add more games and do a scan. This stuffs up the file structure and you lose your save states. So if your going to use save states choose which games ur going to play put them on the smc and finish them before deleting or putting on new onesRingo posted on Apr 19 2004 at 12:29 PM said:You can switch between games, but - as I mentioned previously - the emulator seems to have some kind of bug that makes the saves (not save-states) reset - if you switch the game...
I.E. you will be able to say have a game of Tetris DX and it WILL remember your profile, hiscores and so forth... When you reset you GP32 and return to play Tetris DX it will still have the same profiles and hiscores...
And you can keep doing that.... but if you suddently decides to play Mario, it seems to wipe whatever Tetris DX has saved. It does however leave a lot of save-files on the SMC.
Ofcause this is not supposed to happen... It's a bug... but you can get around it by using save-states instead... Unfortunently I don't think I can explain this to my parents.