
professional vim user
Mar 24, 2014
Seattle, WA
Thanks for the notice, didn't know about this bundle and for a very good cause. At now there are more than 1400 items in this bundle.
there's a thread on steam ( and Gog (, but i don't see one specifically for

there's currently a big sale supporting the movement for racial justice, and lots of the games look to be linux compatible.

i for one want to try Celeste, and a bunch of others look like they're worth my time...
Thanks for the heads up

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I remember playing an early build of Celeste on the Love engine or something. I never got to grips with it mecanics, so it's perahaps worth going back now it's more complete. Also Terry Cavanagh's Super Hexagon is a fun game, a lot less of a time sink than VVVVVV was unless you really get hooked I guess. I'm not sure of the worth of the majority of the rest of these games, and it's a lot of disc space to commit to all of these, but I may jump at this.

Edit: Quite a few of those titles seem to be game development kits, or books or just game design ideas that have been written up but not implemented. I'm not sure what proportion of titles that affects, but even if it was 90% of titles that'd still be 100 games for $5.
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It's the main place I get my games from due to no DRM (at least not in any of the games I've played so far), the desktop client is opensource, and there's a large selection of quirky/interesting games. The only bad thing is that some game devs release a demo version of their game on but then only release the full version on Steam. Which is a sure fire way to make me lose interest in any of your future games and also complain about you to all and sundry.
I joined just to get my selfish mitts on that bundle, even with all the crap included there is enough good stuff to justify the money. @levi I first saw Celest on Pico8, not sure if that's where it originates.
That's a useful tool, although limited in that you can't set multiple filtering tags in an 'this or this' manner, so if you set two or more genres, you don't see anything. But you cat set one genre, bounce through a few options, then clear that setting and add a different genre, which isn't so bad actually.

I guess all of those linux games are likely to be for 64-bit linux, so won't be usable with box86 as is.
I'm mixed on The desktop app is a bit naff, but okay i guess. Sometimes seems hard to find something worth looking at, as there's a lot of stuff on there, and some people are awful at properly categorising their product.
I've set a couple of pages up on there for games I've stopped developing, but also a good place to keep an eye on game jams (even if I never finally submit anything to them).
No, you get the same versions whether you use the desktop client or the site directly. I prefer using the desktop client because it makes updating my installed games much less tedious, also it lets you easily sandbox the games from the rest of your system.
Not to worry comrade we will soon overthrow the hated humans with the help of our most scaly exalted leader Xalxodutl, or as the humans call him, Mark Zuckerberg.
I bought that bundle when it was still "only" 500 games just for "Celeste" and "A Short Hike" and since then have found many great gems in there, it's a must-have.

Notable entries:
On Rusty Trails
Cook, Server, Delicious 2
The Real Texas
A Hort Hike
2064: Read Only Memories
Loot Rascals
Tonight We Riot
Nuclear Throne
Dreaming Sarah
Bleed 2
Mable and the Wood
Super Hexagon
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human

and MANY more.

I also recommend looking at the unknown stuff, some of it is actually good and just short.
I can't see Octodad there any more. But thanks for the other recommendations anyway.
It's still there. There's a search mask for the bundle on the page you get after buying, just type in Octodad and you get the original and the Remake,