It's the Final Countdown - OpenPandora Ltd have 500~ outstanding preorders!

Why did you start a new thread right next to one with pretty much exactly the same title?
I'm sure Craig will come up with growing numbers as soon as the some of the 500 gets funded. 

"oh, I forgot those orders. I had 300 more "hovering around" actually".

What a joke.
I'm sure Craig will come up with growing numbers as soon as the some of the 500 gets funded. 

"oh, I forgot those orders. I had 300 more "hovering around" actually".

What a joke.
However it's ED's fault he got his count wrong.   Craig's counting ability was ruined by ED clearing his queue first.  Also an honorable mention should go to the developers if they only built the Pandora OS on android he could have got his count right as well.  While were at it I am sure the community can wear some of the Craig's inability to count blame game.
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I don't understand how Craig can continue to let ED support his queue and continues to offer no support himself.....

ED doesn't even have a real number of preorders to let him calculate his own future with any degree of accuracy.  Id find no problem with ED refusing to send any more preorders to Craigs queue until a small number of his demands are yet.

He is too nice to be exploited this way.... and Craig doesn't seem to be sending ED cash, selling (dropshipping) units or promoting the Pandora....
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Craig would make a pretty good human random number generator. Sony could use that to generate PS4 DRM encryption keys to make them unbreakable.
I'm sure that I'll get my Pandora last. Quite randomly, not because of my postings here, for god sake. :rolleyes:
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I don't understand how Craig can continue to let ED support his queue and continues to offer no support himself.....
He DOES offer support ! He did a post like... 6 months ago... called "allright let's sort this thing". And then, poof, disappeared again. Just to come back and blame everyone and leaving again like a thief. 

That's about the level of support you can expect from Craig. 
I really hope my Pandora isn't lost in the mail... it's been a very long time. Anybody know how long it takes for shipping from Australia?

I told the postal guy for a tracking number but apparently he didn't add one.... FSCK
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