GP2X Jar Development "jump And Run" A Wip


Mega GP Mania
Here are some first snapshots of my jump and run app im calling JAR for short.

First i made all graphics from scratch, well the cat and rat are actually taken by photo and shrunk. (I do not claim to be an artist)

Background Object: As many as the GP2X can support(memory). A background can move at any speed (simulate distance)
Sprite Object: Used on all foreground grahics, so all the code is in one object for the cat/rats/tiles. This supports frame animation and movements about the level. The cat is the player sprite it moves by key/joystick.
Collision Functions: Detect collision by rectangles defined for each sprite, (the tiles have a array of collision boxes, and just one sprite object for all)
Rat Sprite: This will be similar to tiles, but can move about the level, this should work in a little while since the same movement code is used for the cat, which works.
Level's are defined basically by a ascii text file, the tiles/rats can be dynamically arranged

Feel free to curse or praise, Im open to all ideas.
It's difficult to tell how well it runs just from screenshots, but it sounds good. And it might be funny to purposely have very funny/bad graphics.
Well, it sounds like you're just starting out, it looks like a good start!
Obviously, if you want this project to go anywhere other than demoville, you'll need an artist, but it sounds like your engine is coming along nicely. :D

Good Luck! I hope you improve and continue your coding on the GP2x
what language did you code it in? is this your first game? if so or even not if so, i'm trying to learn some game programming, what books/tutorials or resourecs did you use to learn?
Seeing as it's running in a window on his PC, I'm going to bet C/C++ and SDL. There are some great books like Ivor Horton / Wrox Press' "Beginning C" which makes it extremely easy to learn ... and then online tutorials and also books that build on the fundamentals of C/C++ adding multimedia capability and more through the SDL library,
deadlychicken22 posted on Jul 26 2006 at 01:17 AM said:
And it might be funny to purposely have very funny/bad graphics.
Heheh, you better hope they're on purpose ;)
If I have to do my own graphics, that's pretty much how they'd look
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Wite_Noiz posted on Jul 26 2006 at 06:36 AM said:
deadlychicken22 posted on Jul 26 2006 at 01:17 AM said:
And it might be funny to purposely have very funny/bad graphics.
Heheh, you better hope they're on purpose ;)
If I have to do my own graphics, that's pretty much how they'd look

Well sort of...
The background and tile were two things I threw together in a couple of minutes in paint.
The cat I spent the most time on, I wanted seomthing to test the frame animation, but ive never really done anything, so I filmed him walking in front of the camera, took a couple pics from that cut out the background and shunk it. Same witht the rat although it is just one pic. Main reason of the cat and rat stuff, my wife gets a kick out of it. But from my perspective all the graphics are SDL_Rect's.
I would prefer if this goes anywhere that someone with "talent" would draw all graphics.

I am uses SDL and C++, im actually using the dev pack released by GPH. I never touched/heard of SDL until I bought my GP2X. I learned most of what I know so far from the Lazy Foo Tutorials.

I thoguht I would mention the FPS is meant to be at 10 fps, the cap is set to that. I wanted to slow it down.
I think once I fix a couple of things, i might pop up the exectuable.
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