Just Signed Up


Active Member
May 9, 2006
Howdy folks! I guess it's not usual to introduce yourself at these forums (some others it's good manners :)) but I thought "why not?"

Anyway, got my gp2x about 2-3 weeks ago: I was being sent to USA for a business thing and wanted something to while away 10 hours of flight time, and after much deliberation finally decided on a gp2x instead of say a PSP for the following reasons:
1. Cheaper price :)
2. Uses relativley cheap expandible memory(SD Cards)
3. Needed to hear Mp3 music, watch Divx movies, read some books and of course play some games. PSP couldn't offer me all of that!
4. Wanted to be able to use normal rechargeable batteries so I could just pop in a fresh set when they ran out (PSP wouldn't have lasted for 10 hours and you can't charge it again on a plane)
5. Wanted cheap (or free) games. PSP isn't exactly the Emu coders platform of choice! Once I found out I could have Mame, NeoGeo, Sega, my beloved C64 and my precious Doom I was sold on the idea!

At the moment I seriously think it's the best gaming purchase I've ever made. The only thing I was missing was some kinda proggie to maybe take some notes or have some contacts/agenda kinda utility, but since FW 2.0 I now have Qtopia for that (I was scared to use it before because of the whole custom kernel/flashing stuff that I would have had to do pre-FW2.0).

Now the only things that would really top of the whole thing would be if the PSX emu was more playable/faster (great work BTW zodttd!) and if the Mame port gets up to 36 beta3 or later so I can play "Aliens"...
The place for hello's is really off topic. Welcome to the boards btw. I suppose this could be classed as off topic as all you are really saying in your post is that you brought a GP2x and you are chuffed with your purchase.
I think the coolest thing that the gp2x has is the fact that you can play mp3s and game at the same time xD

Madplay is really a great program :)

The only difference between the psp and gp2x is that the psp's emulators are alot better [for the moment :eek:]. But then again, gp2x battery life is double of the psp. Even though with a psp you can buy bulk battery packs for like 10$ each on ebay, which is cheaper than a pair of rechargable AA's with 2500mah or more.

Gp2x however, supports homebrew. Without a firmware upgrade on the psp some commercial games dont work at all. Thats why I like the gp2x so much. And now that with the 2.0.0 firmware out I can finally just plop my videos straight onto the fella :)

Madplay all the way! :)

Oh and look at the gp2psx thread. That emu seems to be comming along very nicely.. I cant wait to play ff7 on my gp2x :)
I don't see the need for over-forum moderation. Hi I'm new posts should be welcomed as they show the community is welcoming to new people. Even if its in the 'general gp2x' section which is "general". His post was GP2X themed so shouldn't be in the off-topic if you ask me. If he had not mentioned the GP2X anywhere then obviously it has noithing to do with the unit, and should be moved, but, i think its just fine and didnt seem to clutter the forum. Now the jillion stickied topics, was a HUGE clutter lol.

I am also a new member, this is my second post. I just also wanted to welcome the new guy, and say hello myself ^.^

I ordered the GP2X on saturday, and was from Hong Kong -> California on Monday! Lik-Sang = Badass.
lubidog posted on May 9 2006 at 11:48 PM said:
Lobo, BoB?

What? I don't understand what you're trying to say. What about the Break Out Box?

Anyway, sorry if I posted in the wrong place here: please feel free to move it where ever you feel it's appropriate.

BTW Howdy to everyone above: even that guy that strikes fear into my heart :)
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Yes, Sam, that was the best greeting for a new member we have ever had! Well done sir.

I mean, this is someone who flies to New York, we should be laying the red carpet down for him. And if he is who I think he is then he could be good for this place. SO sorry Lobo but Sam is young. He just like to get things 'right'. And hello Sakumi, you get points for using the word 'jillion'.

The gp2x is a great. It just does what you want it to do, really. Mine is irong my socks right now. Thanks Goity for that EMU.

(BoB board of Biffo. There is a Lobo on there)
sam fisher posted on May 9 2006 at 11:39 PM said:
The place for hello's is really off topic. Welcome to the boards btw. I suppose this could be classed as off topic as all you are really saying in your post is that you brought a GP2x and you are chuffed with your purchase.

I'm not one to pick fights (not that I'm intending to start one here), but that's not a very nice thing to do now is it? The guy's introducing himself and you're telling him where to go already! It's like turning up at a new job and introducing yourself, only to be told that you're not wearing the right kind of pants or something. Just saying is all. Hi there Lobo!
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Drak posted on May 9 2006 at 10:46 PM said:
The only difference between the psp and gp2x is that the psp's emulators are alot better [for the moment :eek:].

Just pointing out that apart from a couple (SNES, mainly), that isn't true. The PSP MAME is dreadful and only plays about 30 games, and GP2X's c64, Genesis, and others are also much, much better.
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Sakumi posted on May 9 2006 at 11:51 PM said:
I don't see the need for over-forum moderation. Hi I'm new posts should be welcomed as they show the community is welcoming to new people. Even if its in the 'general gp2x' section which is "general". His post was GP2X themed so shouldn't be in the off-topic if you ask me. If he had not mentioned the GP2X anywhere then obviously it has noithing to do with the unit, and should be moved, but, i think its just fine and didnt seem to clutter the forum. Now the jillion stickied topics, was a HUGE clutter lol.

I am also a new member, this is my second post. I just also wanted to welcome the new guy, and say hello myself ^.^

I ordered the GP2X on saturday, and was from Hong Kong -> California on Monday! Lik-Sang = Badass.
I am sorry. I tried to make it as non nasty as possible. If every new user made one we would have at least one everyday. I didnt mean to be nasty. Again, sorry.
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Don't worry about it Sam, I guess you're right: the boards would fill up if everybody introduced themselves :)