Jwpce Port

just because I need it. :p ...
I know that japanese for GP32 is not something important but I thought that would be great (at least for me :) )

see you :lol:
i'd actually like a chinesse program, so when i go to the local chinese restauraunt i can put in what they're saying and see if they're making fun of me or others. :p

Washo, why don't you offer to pay a coder to code it for you, since it probably won't get coded if nobody but you will use it.
I use Jwpce a lot for my japanese typing. I asked the author of GPnese if he planned to release his source code for it. He said he will but nothing happened. I wanna try to port it + also use his sources for loading the font and the dictonary also used in Jwpce.
You all forgetting the english <-->Japanese dictionary program?

I think u can use the other language files as he uses a lanmguage pak from the net altho i'm not to sure but hey u could ask him to put support into the program for it im sure it's not that hard seaming the other files r exactly like the japanese file :)

but go ask him or check that out it wont teach u english unless u look at the words but it will help translating stuff ;)
