Left Nub Issue


Forum Addict!
Oct 3, 2008
I just got my Pandora today (Thank you Craig) - so please excuse me if I've missed some troubleshooting.

My left nub does not go left properly. I have tried moving it in all directions repeatedly. Up, Down, Right all work as expected. Left either does nothing or, at extreme left push -sometimes- will move -slowly- to the left. If I go up/left or down/left it will sometimes go faster. So, to do anything I have to zig-zag my way left.

I've gone through the 'reset nub' thing several times.

Suggestions? It took 13 days for Airmail to get it to me - I'd hate to have to ship it back.

Yea, it seems like a lot of us are having trouble with the nubs lately.... If they would just introduce a way to manually calibrate, it would fix all our problems!! I wish I was a decent programmer, so I could just do it myself.....
It wouldn't matter how good of a programmer you are, the specs are unknown and reflashing the nub firmware would not be an easy task, unfortunately.
It wouldn't matter how good of a programmer you are, the specs are unknown and reflashing the nub firmware would not be an easy task, unfortunately.
That's lame... How come there isn't a way to manually calibrate to begin with? The nub dance doesn't seem very intuitive... Mine only glitches down-left. If I could just tell it to register the 3/4 down-left to be fully down-left it would work fine.

Luckily they work fine in game, it's only noticeable when I try to use them as a mouse. I'll occasionally notice my ship moving slower in Super Geometry Dust, but it's only only affects ~1 degree directionally so it's normally a non-issue.
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