Beta Liferea


homebrew player (P. & C.)
Sep 9, 2008
Hi boys,

Out of the general section, somes shown interest in an rss reader.

I though it would be a plain simple configure&&make&&make install. But it wasn't. This is the messiest package I have ever encounter.
Now I know why there is so many new build system these days : many don't even know how to use autoconf....
It take me even longer to get this to work than audacious (the first time)...

Here is how to build this :
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/include -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/include/libglade-2.0 -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/include/libsoup-2.4 -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/include/webkit-1.0 -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/include/gconf/2 -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/include/dbus-1.0 -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/lib/dbus-1.0/include -I/usr/local/pandora/arm-2009q3/usr/include/libnm-glib"
./configure --host=arm-none-linux-gnueabi --with-gnu-ld --prefix=/mnt/utmp/liferea
Yeah, all these include dir should have been guessed by pkg_config... if only listed all the dependencies...

So after all this ranting, here is your candy.

By the way, I don't plan to use this (at least in the short term), so I've just done a quick test. But I'd love to see report about offline reading.
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On my phone so hard to see but..

If you have like 50 -I/foo/bar, then you could work around it pretty easily; presumably your problem is you've built all those libs in various places, but not 'installed' them to a single header-location; you could perhaps 'make install' them into some common place. More to point, since headers are headers (generally), why not use native linux headers? (ie: if you're building on linux, say.) ie: If I need lib 'foo', I make-install it (or use apt-get etc) to the native linux as x86, so I get the headers in /usr/include; then just -I/usr/include into your cross-compiler and good to go. For the libs, since you've copied them from your pandora, they're already all in one place except for any you've had to build yourself; always just copy them into your build lib dir :)

So in my ports, they tend to just be -I/usr/include -L/my/pandora/libpath and good to go.

But yeah, working around package-fu to figure out the needed libs can be a pain, but you can also use -rpath etc in ld, so that when needed they get pulled in automagically a lot of the time.

Sorry I can't be mroe help, can't see your clip on my phone :)

skeezix said:
If you have like 50 -I/foo/bar, then you could work around it pretty easily; presumably your problem is you've built all those libs in various places, but not 'installed' them to a single header-location; you could perhaps 'make install' them into some common place. More to point, since headers are headers (generally), why not use native linux headers? (ie: if you're building on linux, say.) ie: If I need lib 'foo', I make-install it (or use apt-get etc) to the native linux as x86, so I get the headers in /usr/include; then just -I/usr/include into your cross-compiler and good to go. For the libs, since you've copied them from your pandora, they're already all in one place except for any you've had to build yourself; always just copy them into your build lib dir :)
Well, this is how angstrom install these header files. I'ld guess that this ensure that you'll be able to work with gtk-2.16 and gtk-2.20 headers on the same system. And this work well (once you get libtool and pkg_config working right). Audacious, gftp etc also need these same files but don't requiere to set that rather long FLAGS as they have setup their dependency right for the configure script.

I could have created a horde of symlink too.

And what I should have done is fixing their and report a bug with patch included... I'm too lazy, I choosed to rant here. Sorry about that.
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Just a quick note of thanks - haven't yet tried it, but an RSS reader is something that I've been missing (especially since I don't especially like any web-based readers I've yet discovered). I'll tell you how it is as and when I do my next install run!
Many thanks for this, I don't have a Pandora yet....

But as soon as I do this will be one of the 1st apps on it.
Tobriand said:
Just a quick note of thanks - haven't yet tried it, but an RSS reader is something that I've been missing (especially since I don't especially like any web-based readers I've yet discovered). I'll tell you how it is as and when I do my next install run!

Have you tried Netvibe's built-in feed reader? I like that one a lot.

-God Ginrai
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I loaded it up and no problems, unfortunately not able to really play with it much (lack of connectivity) at the moment but looks quite promising; thanks!!
Took 44 seconds to load from a class4 card that is also where my rootfs is running from.

EDIT: Works like a charm!! Might I be able to beg for Akregator? *grin*
xopher said:
Took 44 seconds to load from a class4 card that is also where my rootfs is running from.
It's faster to load when the rootfs is on nand (liferea depend on half the libraries in the rootfs... and on the web site they say "light"....)

by the way with positive feedback, this made the file archive.

xopher said:
Might I be able to beg for Akregator? *grin*
I'ld love to provide akregator. But "cmake + qt + kde + cross-compiling" is over what I can do : I have already worked 6hours on this and I've yet to get kdelibs.... /me want kpat so badly....
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Hey, does anyone know if it's possible to transfer all the feeds that I have in Mozilla Thunderbird over to this somehow? There are quite a lot of them, and it would be quite a task doing it one-by-one...