

Is anybody working on lighting methods for their GP32?

I know that one guy has mounted a GBA flood light on his:

My son has a flood light for his GBA and they are a bit bulky, but work really well.

The GP32 isn't nearly as dark as the GBA, but more light would be nice.

I have read of people trying to modify afterburner lights and playing around with LEDs.
I don't know anyone who's actually finished the whole process, but a few working prototype modifications are around I think. A lot of people would just try it and not tell about it, don't be shy, come forward! Please? :)
I was the one who modified the flood light for gp32 and am working on a guide right now, the pics i took are really bad and the batteries in the light were almost dead <_< plus the velcro looked awful(this thing was built in a hurry :) )but the velcro i am using now is much nicer B)
We've been talking a lot about this in the EfNet channel.

Word was (a couple of weeks ago) that GamePark was in talks with Nanotek, the makers of both the FLU and the prototype shown in that video. Of course, with GamePark, this does not mean that it will happen and most of us fear that it will indeed not happen.

That leaves it up to the homebrew crew to put something together, ala the origins of Afterburner, which started out as homebrew as well.

So, the way I see it, we must establish contact with Nanotek or a company that makes a similar FLU and try to do a bulk order with them. Most companies won't send a single sample unless you are a company that seems interested in buying more, or you make them believe that you are a company that is interested in buying more. That means that most likely we would gather together a list of everybody who would like to work on this project and try to do a small bulk order from them. The other barrier is the fact that we don't know if anybody there can communicate with us in english. :/

I'm planning on opening a lighting thread specifically to discuss our possibilities, so stay tuned.
esoteric_ posted on Mar 6 2003 said:
We've been talking a lot about this in the EfNet channel.

Word was (a couple of weeks ago) that GamePark was in talks with Nanotek, the makers of both the FLU and the prototype shown in that video. Of course, with GamePark, this does not mean that it will happen and most of us fear that it will indeed not happen.

That leaves it up to the homebrew crew to put something together, ala the origins of Afterburner, which started out as homebrew as well.

So, the way I see it, we must establish contact with Nanotek or a company that makes a similar FLU and try to do a bulk order with them. Most companies won't send a single sample unless you are a company that seems interested in buying more, or you make them believe that you are a company that is interested in buying more. That means that most likely we would gather together a list of everybody who would like to work on this project and try to do a small bulk order from them. The other barrier is the fact that we don't know if anybody there can communicate with us in english. :/

I'm planning on opening a lighting thread specifically to discuss our possibilities, so stay tuned.
You can add me to any list that may get a working light peripheral for the GP32.
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I spoke to adam at triton about releasing a 3.5 inch afterburner but he does not think there will be demand, even though i said we would place a large order.

I'll speak to some manufacturers in HK about a 3.5 inch light, i'm sure i can arrange something.

Sounds great. The GP32 is definately in dire need of a light of some kind, whether it be an Afterburner type or an external version like the worm light for the GBA. Can't wait till something like this is available. :D
That was the first review I have seen of the Halo light. Didn't sound good.

The priciple is still sound, though. I'm getting some white LEDs and play around.