GP32 Linux...

nerd of nerds

Feb 25, 2003
Has anyone set up the compiler under linux? I'm pretty new to linux :D (but i have used it before and its MUCH better than windows in my opinion) and need help setting up (compiling? :blink: ) the devkit.THANKS :D
I've built the toolchain by following the instructions on darkfader's page. I haven't built anything with it yet though.

From the docs it sounds as though you

arm-elf-gcc your program
arm-elf-objcopy to pull out the object
bin2fxe that to create the gp32 binary
then copy that to your GP32 and enjoy

I haven't tried it though, so if I've missed any steps or got any of them plain wrong, please let me know!
You could ask from Mithris (gdb-stub, Goatpark32) or Snaff (Frodo) about Linux hosted GP32 development. They both work primarly using Linux. Both are regulars in #gp32dev.
Ah, yes, ofcourse you should run linux..:D
Setting up GCC is not that hard actually.. atleast not when you know how to do it..:D
There are lots of correct ways of compiling a XGCC and there are lots of incorrect ways.
It's too long to explain here, but there are lots of good tutorials out there which leads you through the
compilation process step by step.

try this one:
(use gcc 3.2.2 instead)

Although, at one point he has a warning about GCC not beeing able to build executables, this can be done differently i think by
telling the gcc configure script to build with newlib, or instead of "make all" for GCC the first time, use "make install" instead. (i'm not 100% sure about this atm)
But it's a start.

Mmmmmmmmmmm, Minimal hassle :lol: Thats probobly the one for me because i haven't done ANY dev on linux.