Lomg Term Storage


Still Fresh
This question might have an obvious answer but I'd appreciate whatever advice people have. Anyway, I haven't been using my wiz much these days and thought that I'd put it into storage for a few months. Is there anything I should do to keep the system "safe" for reboot? Should I drain the battery (I just got the low battery warning) or should I store it fully charged? Should I remove the battery? I'm not using the system now but I do want to make sure that it's there when I need it.


Do not intentionally fully drain the battery, as that may permanently damage lithium-ion batteries. Apparently the best thing you can do for their long-term viability is to occasionally charge them up and then run them down via normal use.

In general, the main thing you want to consider for electronics storage is to keep them in a dry place that is not exposed to extreme hot or cold temperatures.
Li-Ion are best kept at about half charge, so neither full nor drained. It's generally a good idea to keep it somewhere cool. Information according to German Wikipedia page on li-ion.
If you don't plan on using it for a few months, perhaps you should sell it as there doesn't seem to be a great answer for this question. That way in a few months you can spend a little and get a new one as opposed to running the risk and it being dead, in which case you'll need to spend a lot more.
Thanks for all the comments / advice. I guess the only thing that I can reasonably try to do is "use it reasonably" over the next little while and hope that a few short sessions over the next couple of months will keep it primed and useable. I do wish that there was some sort of definitive answer for this sort of stuff, though - I was initially attracted to handhelds for all the emulation possibilities that they offered and, as a result, picked up more systems than I can reasonably use (dingoo, original Gp2x, PSP, etc ...). I think I just need some sort of rotation schedule or, as darklight mentions, I should sell a couple of them ... although I would find that hard to do as each one has its own character.

If anybody else has any thoughts, I'd appreciate hearing them, though.


Charge the battery halfway, then remove. Store both in small plastic bags with a quantity of rice inside along with them. Tape up both bags with bubble wrap to form one package.

