Louis Therioux: The Most Hated Family In America

Nova said:
Mosch said:
I just watched it. This whole thing has to be a religious satire; I can not believe that there is a group of people as deluded as this "church". Even the basis of the whole belief makes no sense at all: Everybody is irrevocably going to hell, so the church does everyone a favour by telling them this and trying to hurt them emotionally. God is our biggest enemy, so we should worship him and preach his word.
There is no way that this documentary has any basis in reality.
It would seem so, but no, this is a completely true docu about a group of religious people (if you can call them that)

I can't believe that. If it is true and these people really do exist and are as secure in their belief as they try to make it seem in the documentary I am not mad at them. I mourn the loss of their logos.
You guys shouldn't curse them. They are obviously either brainwashed or batshit insane (absense of appropriate reaction or whatever it is called in english) and deserve our help.
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lubidog said:
@DCGM, why should a bunch of lunatics represent God? Why should we blame God for wars and bigoted americans?

And across the world there are plenty of successful people who read the bible.

I am not a church goer, but I have my own belief system. But you, with your vitriolic post about church goers are just as nasty and opinionated as anyone in that documentary. You are insisting that you know more than others, you see, when we simply can't actually 'know'. We can just have an awareness.

God is just a generic term, that can be applied to any belief in a higher, spiritual presence. You don't have to believe. We can criticise fanatical people that use the notion of a God for their own bigoted and dangerous ends.
But discussing whether there is a God is something else.
lol what? You obviously didn't read what I said if you're reacting this way.

Btw, reading the bible is one thing, but being a bible nut job is another ;)
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I can verify that these people are for real. I'm in Missouri, so they're only a state away. The Missouri legislature passed a law stating that you can't protest within x number of feet of a funeral because of these people.

They are a sick cult obsessed with homosexuality. They are so desperate for attention that they protest at soldiers funerals, basically saying that god allowed the soldier to die because of gay people. That's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

There's a biker gang that counter-protests them, and there's a great video on the web of the police evacuating them for their own protection when one of their protests turns violent. I'll see if I can find it.

Crazy world, eh?

Edit: Enjoy! http://www.break.com/index/westboro_baptis...hased_away.html
They are a sick cult obsessed with homosexuality. They are so desperate for attention that they protest at soldiers funerals, basically saying that god allowed the soldier to die because of gay people. That's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

I'm to understand, that their main goal is to get someone to punch them, so they can sue. Phelps, and others being lawyers.
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I watched the program and was completely disgusted with the attitude of this small American community.

I was amazed how Louis kept asking valid questions which they couldn't answer and kept saying things like "Ask me another question and I will answer it", go figure.

The other thing I found really bad was that they are training their children to hate, and when Louis asked the younger kids what it all meant they didn't have a clue, but they were still brought along to protest brandishing ridiculous hate signs. One kid even got hit on the head by a projectile thrown from a passing car. This really sums up the term "Religious Nut".

After watching the program I got one big impression. The guy who started it all (Pastor Fred Phelps) built his idealism up on his own hate, and flipping heck he actually got people into following his own ridiculous cause badging it as gods will.

How can you possibly parcel up the love of god in a nice daisy print package of sheer hate for everyone outside the community? Love thy neighbor? No, rejoice in their deaths as they are going to hell!

They got it all wrong!