megaupload shutdown.

I must admit, I don't understand the American Political system in the least.. but it seems like everyone in Congress is in the pocket of one biased, wealthy individual/business or another. Would anyone who knows what the hell they're talking about care to explain it to me, or give me a linky?

British politics is just as shit, except we have cowardly gutless liars who bow to American pressure without the slightest hint of resistance.

This is one of the biggest reasons why I think a direct democracy is what should be used, not this "representative" bullshit we have.
Direct democracy would take way too long for any country of decent size, and the USA is a country well beyond decently sized. The government makes several decisions a day, a referendum can take weeks and costs a lot of money.

Besides, how many people do you think would see "Stop Online Piracy Act", and say "yeah, that sounds good. I vote for it"? Way too many. What you need are representatives that actually represent the people, not their own pockets; representatives that actually read the things they're proposing, not just following corporate suggestion blindly.
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

Funny, that quote came to my mind, too ;)

Hey, who said that originally? I remember it from an Epica song, I always suspected it wasn't original but didn't really care enough to Google it.
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

Actual state of our consciousness about how BIG lie is this is very SMALL. Well, well, Goethe said "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

OK. So describe to me the repression, lies, etc. you think or know are CURRENTLY being had in America.
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land of the free, most powerful nation in the world, democracy, good health care, clean drinking tap water...
OK. So describe to me the repression, lies, etc. you think or know are CURRENTLY being had in America.
Lies: Hydrofracking is clean and safe way to produce Natural Gas, a good environmentally friendly energy source.

Putting limits on coal-fired power plants emmisions is bad for the economy and job growth.

There is positive job growth occurring.

The war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The XL pipeline will create jobs and stimulate our economy.

Iran is a threat to our national security.

Fox News.

US Chamber of Commerce

Repression: Voter ID laws popping up all over the country. You need ID to vote, depending on the state, you might need just a driver's license, others you might need a specific voter registration card.

The Citizen's United case which has equated money to free speech. So only the rich and powerful can hold office, and the US Congress is proof since over half of them are millionaires. SOPA/PIPA passage would be like letting Comcast, Verizon, MS-NBC-GM-GE-US Taxpayer bailout, and the rest of the gun-runners control the internet and our elections as well. They want total

control of the airwaves.

Unnecessary police brutality against Occupy protesters across the country.

Use of chemical weapons (tear gas, pepper spray) against our own populus, illegal under the Geneva Convention.

Bradley Manning.

The increasing police state, we have more people in prison than China. Prisons for Profit.

The recent Defense Authorization bill and indefinite detention and the suspension of habeus corpus.

Female soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan are more likely to be raped by our own soldiers than to be killed by enemy fire.

Student loans are predatory in nature. Banks pay little to no interest on these loans but graduates get stuck with paying thousands of dollars in interest for what should be free to all.

Big Oil keeps putting record profits into their pocket every quarter, and yet we need to cut funding for education and heating assistance. Big Oil is subsidized by the US Gov't and literally gets away with murdering our biosphere.

The Federal Reserve bankrupting the middle and lower class of the US constricting the concentration of wealth to levels similar of those prior to the 1st Great Depression.

The Electoral College.

The assault on clean air and water by industry.

Obama care.

The extension of the Bush tax cuts.

Guantonimo Bay still being open.

Shall I continue?
While I don't like that American shut the website down, I'm sure a lot of people are enjoying seeing the guy who ran it being treated like the rotter he seems to be.

Would have all been different if New Zealand had shut it down I feel.
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You raise good points, Link, but I refer more to StreaK. I'm not so much trying to argue as getting people to back their statements up.
Twas piracy so it only seems fair to shut it down. Im no angel but personally i dont like to pirate stuff. I prefer to buy the boxsets of my favourite shows. Everyone i know seems to pirate the shit out of stuff though. I always recall how it was said that the amiga was primarily killed off due to rampant piracy. This is what formed my stance against piracy. Looking at the wiki article that megafuckload guy sure seems like a rotter alright. It twas only a matter of time i suppose.
You raise good points, Link, but I refer more to StreaK. I'm not so much trying to argue as getting people to back their statements up.

Do You really think i'm writing stuff without evidence?


bacisally, from 2012 all US Citizen can be canned to jail, without any charge or trial into law . It means everyone can be jailed, because if you dont need to show evidence everyone are really a terrorists [well known Beria's quote "Show me the man and I'll find you the crime."]. thing called "Freedom" is one of thousand lies of US. [and not only US.. every country]

Whats FED? Whats a VeriChipID, Whos bilderberg group? Who was rothchild? How many people [in %] holds 99,9 resources of planet earth. Who has the real power over every government on the world. [hint , hint every major over-country corporations and banks*]. Why banks generate [from thin air] a virtual money 10x 20x 30x or even 50x more than they have in bank's vault [and takes a % interest from money they physically dont own]. Why countries and gov'ts borrow a money from private banks instead of create own [from thin air, like banks do]. Why debts of countries never ends, and theres no way to pay debt. Why US go to afganistan / iraq /? Why US fights in 'NAM? Why the same bankers finances both sides of WWII? These are the questions you need to answer to understand who pull the strings here and there..

DO you know you're slave of the system just because you have "system" ID card, and that means you're not free. Youre slave and a corporate individual [read more about human freedom and compare it to trading laws / sea laws - to see how you nicely become a slave without knowing anything.. ] and above all you're slave , because you dont want to drop all you privilages [that are connected with "easy living" ]. You, like everyone else are a slave, in golden cage, but a slave. Theres no dubts.

You can go thru life without even knowing that you're slave and Goethe quote says it perfectly.

If you dont want to be a slave , you'll need to become a member of bilderberg group and a bohemian groove member :) but this is a story for a different topic..

Do you know, that big private bank [example: Goldman-Sahs ] could sink whole country [example: size of denmark] using "long-enough" money speculation routine? There was a "short-term nice attack" :) from GoldmanSahs on polish Zloty back in 2008, that forces polish govt to react to prevent "quick sinking".

* - first easy example: remember craigix problem with freezing accounts and his money for openpandora? It was his money, but bankers have enough power to freeze your money [and if you dont have enough informations about your money, the bank could freeze these money forever (and could lend a money everyone else to produce profit. How nice is that :p ) ]

- other example: why bank had the right to freeze/takeover the money of Khadaffi's account? Because Kadaffi's was terrorist? Hah, go back to 70's / 80's when america loved to shake the hands and loved khadaffis kissing routine which is literally supporting khadaffis regime for over 30 years. Why i know it ? I've had a nice opportunity to view archived news from poland 80's that can be seen on TVP Historia [in poland], now.
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What we have today is "re-arming nations procedure", but without thermo-nuclear warheads [which was basicaly useless, like a man saying "i'll f*k you, now" but he have his dickey cut out..], but with resolutions and laws. They're re-arming against you, not the al-queida [who basically was created by US Govt]. We are living in unstable times [and there will me more: dont forget about natural oil & gasses problem / peak oil] and strikes will rise pretty soon [strkies like in greece]. That's why govt's rceates these funny anti-terrorist laws to imprisonment you, not terrorist.. The "war on terror" never meant to be won, the trick is it needs to be sustained with fake terrorists attacks / operation false flag [wtc / metro in london], long enough that people start believes that terror is a real threat for all of us. And there comes Goebbels quote

If you really want to see how many people are enslaved, just wait for a big bank to call "instant pay the debt". it will sink many homes.. many families.. maybe nations, because if one bank calls it other will do that instantly [like on attack with speculation of currency] and theres no possible way to pay the debt, because there isnt enough money to do that.. welcome in real world, Blue Protoman [red or blue pill?, you choose..]
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