Mended pyra xkb layout file


Still Fresh
Mar 28, 2014
Hi !

I happened to notice that the letters "é", on the "R" key, and "è", on the "T" key, were in fact inverted on the "pyra" xkb layout file (consequently, if you pressed "é" on the attached keyboard of the pyra, it would actually display "è" on the screen, and vice versa). So I created a new file I called "pyra-mended" in which they were reverted back in their correct position.

To test it, just extract the "" file, copy the extracted "pyra-mended" file in the « /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ » directory, and run this command line :
setxkbmap pyra-mended

And to make this change permanent, just replace the old kbd file by the one I propose, by erasing afterwards the old "pyra" file that is in the same directory, and renaming "pyra" the new "pyra-mended" file you copied there.

I also noticed that the "^", "¨", "´" and "ˋ" keys (respectively on the "6", "I", "N" and "M" keys) were in this same "pyra" file designed as normal keys instead of dead keys. Thus, when you press any of them, you directly obtain on the screen the corresponding symbol (i.e "^"), without being able to combine it with any other character (i.e. with "I", to create the symbol "Î"). Even though I'm no expert in this matter, it does seem to me that this defies the purpose of having such keys in the first place, for with them it would still be impossible for me to write in any language that requires such combinations.

As I was not sure if it were done on purpose, I created a new file, called "pyra-mended-dead", including the previous edit, and in which moreover everyone of these keys were designated as dead keys instead of normal keys, making the aforementioned combinations possible at last.

To test it, extract the "" file, put the extracted "pyra-mended-dead" file in the same « /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ » directory, and run this command line :
setxkbmap pyra-mended-dead

(And to make this change permanent, proceed as described above with the "pyra-mended" file.)

Maybe one of these two files could be part of the next update of the official image ?

By the way, changing the keyboard layout with the tool provided by mate does not work at all, and gives quite strange results (does anyone know why it is the case ?). But by using the setxkbmap command ("setxkbmap us", for instance), everything works properly. So to be able to quickly change the keyboard layout, the best solution I came with was to do it via desktop launchers, such as these ones :

"Layout_us.desktop" :

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=setxkbmap us
Name=Disposition us

"Layout_pyra.desktop" :

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=setxkbmap pyra
Name=Disposition pyra


Thanks for sharing.
I also noticed that the "^", "¨", "´" and "ˋ" keys (respectively on the "6", "I", "N" and "M" keys) were in this same "pyra" file designed as normal keys instead of dead keys. Thus, when you press any of them, you directly obtain on the screen the corresponding symbol (i.e "^"), without being able to combine it with any other character (i.e. with "I", to create the symbol "Î"). Even though I'm no expert in this matter, it does seem to me that this defies the purpose of having such keys in the first place, for with them it would still be impossible for me to write in any language that requires such combinations.
I guess everything keyboardish is a matter of taste.
If you're a German or English speaking coder you may prefer those keys not dead (for pointers or exponentiation, or backquote, not sure who wants a lone diaeresis).
If you are very poliglot maybe you're more used to use some compose key instead of direct dead keys ?
I'm not sure whether this could be any help, specially since you already seem to be all set up, but just linking related threads:
Help me customize keyboard for Spanish language

The story of how to bring back _ and : on Debian 12 Bookworm (Download provided)
Debian 11 can't write underscore symbol "_"
So it was on purpose... (I would have not guessed... When I need to display a dead key, I just press it twice ^^.)

Then I guess the "pyra-mended" xkb file is the only relevant one (since it corrects what is clearly a mistake).

Thanks for telling me, and thanks for the links :).
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So it was on purpose... (I would have not guessed... When I need to display a dead key, I just press it twice ^^.)
I'm not sure it was on purpose, just guessing it might be. It could also be an oversight if the people setting it up were not used to dead keys.
I also prefer dead keys, if I want ^ I tend to type dead-^and then whitespace.
I just have the general feeling that keyboard layout is for each user to configure, because I've seen very different preferences.

Then I guess the "pyra" xkb file is the only relevant one (since it corrects what is clearly a mistake).
The other file can still be useful to some, I think.
Thanks for telling me, and thanks for the links :).
You're welcome, thanks to you.