Microsoft XBOX ONE

^ Did you see that supposed post from an Xbox employee who said the 10 game sharing was only going to work as a 1 hour demo ?.
^ Did you see that supposed post from an Xbox employee who said the 10 game sharing was only going to work as a 1 hour demo ?.
Yes, hence the need for hourly (rather than daily) authentication if using your own profile on another machine (otherwise the game becomes the 'sharing friend' demo mode).

In spite of the reliable NeoGaf 'CBoat' confirmation of it, there's widespread denial over on the official Xbox forums - even though the 'sharing' plan was only mooted when the DRM backlash was peaking, there are a few angry types who believe they have been denied a kind of 'buy 1 get 9 free' scheme!
^^^^yeah and zynga suck ass bigtime lol. They formed the company to make money and had no interest in games they said. They make facebook shite imo.

And they have lost tons of money recently. good riddance say I. lol
If sales are believed to be lost on the producers side,

massive complaining about audacities does some good after all. :)

I still won't buy something from MS though. :D
Looks like MS have no idea what their next gen machine will be, PS4 "IF" I go next gen for me.
Boy, this is the biggest cluster fuck I think I've ever seen in video gaming history, and I've seen some whoppers!

I never wanted the ONE, simply because I can't stand forced motion/movement controls. Now, although I wasn't being forced to actually use the Kinect, I was being forced to buy it. The Kinect represents everything that I find wrong with MS gaming division these days. Ever since this thing was introduced, MS seems more concerned to appease the masses, than the gamers who supported their efforts in to the video gaming unknown.

Now, I want a ONE even less than before, for no other reason than these guys have no clue what they want to do. Although I'm no fan of the Kinect, I do support the idea of them including this "thing" with every unit, as that is the only way it will ever see proper support over time, but they should be paying for it, not me. I really think Sony should have included their new "Eye" device as well(for free), and at least it would have hopes of more than a lame add on device that it is sure to become.

All I see when that ONE $499.99 price pops up, is a device I don't want to pay an extra 100 to own, for a device I don't want. If its cool, and can add to my experiences, great. But if its a glorified "paper weight" like the original, I'd rather keep my money. Now, if they are saying it's not required, what the hell is the point? Damn, the ONE hasn't even been released yet, and MS has changed their plans waaaaaaaaaaay to many times for my liking. There is no way this thing is ever going to be good with so many flip flops.

I've read today the development of the new controller alone costed MS 100 Million Dollars (!!!). Even for a professional Gamepad that sounds alot, maybe this budget is needed to really make an good Gamepad (looks to OUYA).
I just read  Kinect not mandatory for XBOX 1 

check out...
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I liked the idea of the One having the mandatory kinect: there are so many things that it is capable of that could be used to enhance gameplay and just general use, it could have been an entirely new, vastly improved experience. It's a new paradigm, something to experiment with and see where evolution of interactivity goes. These things are still possible, but with it being an entirely optional accessory developers are going to consider the market more before implementing any of these features, and they'll certainly be less likely to experiment.

On the other hand, there were a lot of very valid concerns about privacy and abuse: always on, streaming video and audio, locking you out of certain features that shouldn't require it at all if it is somehow disabled. I would have been happy if they had given a means of disabling it and ensuring that doing so wouldn't disable any of auxiliary features, just the extra cool bibs and bobs that actually used it. Not that I had any intention of buying one, but from a technical perspective it is a happier balance between innovation and privacy abuse that way.
Xbox One Unboxing

That power supply is huge

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It continues.

XBox One delayed in several countries, amid rumours of manufacturing 'issues'.

I wonder if the recent decision to make the Kinect 'optional' might have been partly inspired by consideration of the possibility this requirement might make them culpable in any furore that might have arisen in some jurisdictions?
Mmmmmmmmmm........................I see another RROD in MS future :lol:

As is common with some PCs, Castillo said the development team can "dial back the power of the box considerably,"
I don't know about you, but my PC can do a LOT of screaming before it gets hot enough to dial anything back. Like GPU/CPU bitcoin mining levels of overheat are barely enough to make it complain. It doesn't dial anything back, it just cranks up the fans. If they're so worried about overheating, why dial back the experience? Why not improve air flow and actually do something to cool it? Liquid cool the sucker if you must!