missing pnds on repo


Still Fresh
Aug 11, 2012
Just to ask why some pds that are avaliable to download on openhandhelds page or apps.pandora page (such as Remmina and qbitorrent I think) are not avaliable on the repo page? Are these obsolete apps or something? I just saw Evildragon youtube video about remote desktop administration using remmina and it looks great. (Don't know how to use this kind of program though) 
Just to ask why some pds that are avaliable to download on openhandhelds page or apps.pandora page (such as Remmina and qbitorrent I think) are not avaliable on the repo page? Are these obsolete apps or something? I just saw Evildragon youtube video about remote desktop administration using remmina and it looks great. (Don't know how to use this kind of program though) 

There are a few reasons why a PND might not be in the repo.  

The first that comes to mind is that in order for a PND to be in the repo, the person responsible for creating or maintaining it has to choose to upload it there.   apps.openpandora.org and dl.openhandhelds.org both existed long before the repo did,  and if the original PND creator/maintainer lacks the time and/or motivation to upload it to the repo then it's not going to happen. 

Another reason is that many of the older PND files don't completely conform to the PND specification and the repo only accepts those PNDs which do comply with the spec.  This means some of those older PNDs would need to be repackaged before they could be uploaded there and again the time/motivation factors come into play.

- Neelix
if the original PND creator/maintainer lacks the time and/or motivation to upload it to the repo then it's not going to happen. 
Also Craig had hired someone to upload a lot of PNDs to the apps store, sometimes against the original developers wishes.