Mobile/wap Browser


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2006
While being able to use a full browser is undoubtedly a great feature of the Pandora, there are times when mobile versions of websites would be preferable - for example looking up train times on - the mobile version of the site is a lot simpler than the full version and would be a lot more suited to the Pandora's relatively small screen.

Are there any mobile browsers planned for the Pandora as far as anybody knows?
Is that not more a case of the browser itself telling the website it's a phone (whehter that's true or not). I mean, isn't the mobile version just another document?
Vlynndar said:
Is that not more a case of the browser itself telling the website it's a phone (whehter that's true or not). I mean, isn't the mobile version just another document?
Yes it is another page all together that loads on a mobile device. Example if you type on a phone it will more than likely take you to which is the mobile version of

To the original poster: What is the site you are referring to? EDIT: Its in your post....I didn't see it and I am not used to the .uk thing.
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Some sites have mobile version (ie. that work from phone as well as from computer. At least I was able to access that site from my computer using my phone as a modem and activating Opera Turbo.
However I'd like to be able to run Opera Mini. It has some ok page compression that can come in handy when using a phone modem and you have to pay per megabyte.
Used my black berry. This is the site you would type into your browers to pull up the same page. uses WML encoding, which is just an XML document. There is an add on for Firefox that parses WML files correctly.
You could change the user-agent string in Firefox on the Pandora to identify as another 'mobile' browser which would redirect you to those pages, also Opera Mini has a java version that could potentially work.
Often just googling the url and WAP will link you to the mobile version of any site... if it exists. Most times it will be WML, but sometimes it will be just a light HTML file.
Thanks guys for the links but the site was just an example. So while that url is handy (and I will definitely keep it in my bookmarks), I'd like to be able to set, say firefox, to display the mobile versions by default - or even better have a toolbar button to turn this behaviour on and off

Changing the user-agent sounds interesting, would be good to set firefox to identify itself as Opera Mini as this always gets the mobile version of a website where available.

Thanks for all the info. :)
Thanks Mindlord that does work brilliantly.

It would be even better if only there were a way to bind the switching of two different profiles to a toolbar button. Still, great as is. I'll probably set firefox to set Opera as default, most WAP sites have a link to the full version anyway.

Cool. Thanks everybody! :D