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how to buy/sell/map in Worship Vector? I can only move map around with arrows. Don't tell me it's L/R buttons, because those are mouse buttons for me.

EDIT: also - quitting the game doesn't work, just displays "press any key to exit" but doesn't exit the game. I had to kill it.

The map grow with time (every 5 or so waves).

Oh and the triggers buttons are used to switch between the item on top of the screen.
thanks for your both answers :) I wonder how to play eve, btw. I can walk around "blindly" and I need to shoot, that's all I know now.
Do you guys know what is "PLANT" and "ANTIAIR" in worship vector?
The Plant Tower gives you +5 Gold per round per tower.

The Antiair tower probably is good against flying units, but I have not gotten far enough to actually encounter one (or maybe I have, but did not notice as all enemies are rendered on the ground).
Nah I am pretty sure the Minigun turrets can hit those, too.

Dunno about the rest, because I never got enough money to buy other towers :D (which only worked for 15 or so waves).
my current record is wave 70 :) And all without ANTIAIR.

I will try to use PLANTs, because more money would be useful here ;)

some Ultra-Fast mode would be useful, because waiting 5 minutes, until the end of wave is overkill.
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my current record is wave 70 :) And all without ANTIAIR.

I will try to use PLANTs, because more money would be useful here ;)

some Ultra-Fast mode would be useful, because waiting 5 minutes, until the end of wave is overkill.
If you have to wait long, then you're not defending early enough ;) .

Plant will be needed if you want enough snipers to beat most of the waves after 90

Also beating level 100 mean you beated the game (it wont great you for doing so).
my current record is wave 70 :) And all without ANTIAIR.

I will try to use PLANTs, because more money would be useful here ;)

some Ultra-Fast mode would be useful, because waiting 5 minutes, until the end of wave is overkill.
I agree I got to a high wave the other day and it took ages for the enamys to go around the track.

I guess the easy way around that would be to destroy them further back up the track instead of near the endzone?

@Sebt3 just like AAAA would it be possible to get a native res version of this game runnnig or would that require too much time?
Yeah I wondered, does one actually gain anything from killing the enemies early (apart from the saved time).

Some games make enemies grow stronger the longer they are alive (or award more money for early kills).

I am asking, because obviously you will have a rather strong defence set-up in the part near the end-zone (with slow towers in an interval and others in-between) and don't want to move your towers for a loss.
I've never got into this game. I'm not to bad at TD games but Worship Vector lacks of overview for my taste. I also had no clue what tower does what actualy, ingame tutorial or help sheets really would be useful.

Befor I knew whats actualy going on, the game was already over. :D Are there HP indicators for the Enemies? I have no clue how strong each wave is, or how much Damage the weapons make in detail. manualy starting waves or at least a pause function would be nice, I'm not that hardcore anymore (yes, I'm getting old. :D )
Seriously, most quasist games are not hardcore. I beated worship once I got what was the plan tower
I've played Flesh Chasmer once at the GP2X. It played somehow strange, maybe because of the slow movement of player and Camera, maybe this is faster on the Pandora.

However, I remember this Game contains Swastikas which is an absolutley no-go in germany. Since EDs Servers host this Game he can get really in trouble, this is serious stuff here. So either removing all Nazi signs from the game or hosting it on a non german Server. I don't want to make panic here but german law forbids Swastikas in Games and they really don't make fun of this. :(
Germany is setting themselves up for it to happen again then. If they ban all Nazi stuff, the people will eventually forget, and then the Holocaust could recur.
There is some history along those lines, yeah. Just Quasist mucking around mostly. You can search his posts on gp32x if you're curious, but we won't rehash it here. :)