Movies Thread

Ganepark32 said:
Anyone seen Cloverfield yet? If so what's it like? I would kind of like to hear an opinion on what it's like before I go and waste money and time watching something that could be awful (Thank you The Simpsons Movie)
haven't seen it but have heard from a few sources that it's a pretty good film (entertaining in the least - but, wait... isn't that what we watch movies for?). I've used rotten tomatoes before as a source for online reviews and it normally gets things right. Here is there review of the movie (76%).
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Just watched the preview of Star Trek. It gave a cold shiver down my spine, several times :p
Went to see Sweeney Todd tonight. I hadn't seen anything about it, other than the trailer for it (several times). Don't really want to give anything away, so I wont say much about it :p

I rate it DEPTASTIC!
I watched the Futurama Movie today. It´s not being released anytime soon in Germany, so i didn´t hear anything about it until recently. Well i was quite disappointed, there were lots of episodes who were better than that, also i hate excessive time traveling.
Ganepark32 said:
Anyone seen Cloverfield yet? If so what's it like? I would kind of like to hear an opinion on what it's like before I go and waste money and time watching something that could be awful (Thank you The Simpsons Movie)
I have seen it. Didn't know anything about it, other than I was expecting action. After the first 20 minutes I thought I was watching Friends. Then all hell breaks loose! Didn't know there was monsters...
I thought it was great!

Saw the new National Treasure film too. Loved it also.
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Ganepark32 said:
Anyone seen Cloverfield yet? If so what's it like? I would kind of like to hear an opinion on what it's like before I go and waste money and time watching something that could be awful (Thank you The Simpsons Movie)
I saw it recently. Not a turkey,but not great either. It's Blair Witch crossed with Godzilla.

I knew what it was about, but after the first 20 minutes I wondered if I'd gone to see the right film! <_<

Once the action kicks off, it's got some excellent effects, but there really is a lack of feeling for or from anyone in it. And there's no information about what they are dealing with or why. It just all hits the fan. There's very little dramatic tension and the script is non-existant, except for one guy (Hud) constantly shouting "Rob?"

The action is followed by mini-cam all the way through, so don't expect excellent filmography! It's amazing how long the batteries last in these digital devices too, especially with lights and night-vision(?) on...

A wasted opportnuity, but I'm certain it'll be a box-office smash and will be follwed up by a sequel, which I probably wouldn;t pay to see...

I watched AVP:R recently too - there were times it didn't feel like an Aline/Predator movie, mainly due to the time period and location, but it was indeed better than the first film with many more references to both film series. The Weyland Yutani bit at the end was plain stupid and pointless when seen in the context of all films in both series though :(
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I went to see cloverfield, and thought it was excellent. Yeah, there's no real information given to the viewer, but you don't really need it to enjoy it. It's kinda like watching the first episode of Lost. If you require answers though, there are many viral sites set up for the film especially, and the myspace pages set up for the characters which tell the story of the monster

JJ Abrams has also hinted at a sequel. I reckon this isn't the last we've seen of "Clovey"


If you watch closely at the end of the movie, when Beth and Rob are in the ferris wheel, the camera briefly pans from the ocean, where you see an object fall from the sky into the sea. If you go the the website for Targruato, the japanese company Rob is going to work for, in the news reports (Link), it reads "Tagruato scientists and engineers are busily trying to track and recover the fragment. According to Hatsui data, it disappeared into the Atlantic Ocean late last week."
It is hinted that whilst looking for this satellite, the "monster" who had been sleeping on an ocean trench was awoken, and in a panicked state attacked the city.
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My wife and I re-watched Dodgeball... man, what a great way to waste a little time. Good stuff. I'm waiting for the new Star Trek and may not see any other movies until them due to the cost of going out to the movies.
Question: will be "John Rambo" cut in other countries to? Afaik here in Germany the movie will be cut around 2 Minutes, so mature (!!!) audience can see it. :D
The "FSK" has serious problems, when blood and Violence is in Movies or Games. And its "normal", that many Media are cut to make it legal for mature people. (Rambo will be "FSK 18" but cut of course) brrr...
Thank god they have no problems with Sex scenes here in Germany. ;)
Just been to see Cloverfield. I really enjoyed it :D

Nova said:


If you watch closely at the end of the movie, when Beth and Rob are in the ferris wheel, the camera briefly pans from the ocean, where you see an object fall from the sky into the sea. If you go the the website for Targruato, the japanese company Rob is going to work for, in the news reports (Link), it reads "Tagruato scientists and engineers are busily trying to track and recover the fragment. According to Hatsui data, it disappeared into the Atlantic Ocean late last week."
It is hinted that whilst looking for this satellite, the "monster" who had been sleeping on an ocean trench was awoken, and in a panicked state attacked the city.

Thanks for the lil bits of info... think I'm going to have to watch it again, see what I can spy in the background :p
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Old School - Boring
Cloverfield - Good fun
Juno - Boring
Withnail and I (been a few years) - Still so good I watched it again the next day
Plunkett and Mclaine - Pretty good
Wristcutters - Really good
Equalibrium - Silly, quite boring
Requiem to a dream - OK, silly ending, asssss to assssssssss!
Futurama movie - Funny in parts but mostly boring :(
R-Point - Brilliant Korean horror greatness.

That's all I can think of for now.
Blood Diamond - surprisingly good (Di Caprio's accent is pretty funny)
Sunshine - again not bad although bit of a rehash of Event Horizon (which is itself amazing)
Bladerunner - hadnt seen for years and now got the whole unicorn thing
Good Morning Vietnam - classic ("Its hot & wet, great if you're with a lady, aint no good in the jungle!")
Battle of Britain - Laurence Olivier as Dowding is f'n cool!!
Juno- Good fun, some good laughs involved. Good acting from Ellen Page, and well worth admission.

There Will Be Blood- Phenomenal acting and music score. Could have been a little shortened, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it and I'll be buying the DVD when it's released. Highly recommended to anyone who enjoys a quality film.
Transformers was alright the ending fight was rubbish with optimus prime and megatron it was hopeless they didn't show the action properly just totally ignored, not one of the best mech movie at all i prefer manga's offering called detonator orgun one of the best mech movie ever made.
Pan's Labyrinthe - Thought I'd give it a look as everyone who has seen it recommends it. It was good but I wouldn't say it was anything spectacular. I felt like I was watching two different movies at once with the same characters. Still good though. Found the bit when the Captain was smashing the guys face in quite shocking as I didn't expect that kind of thing in the movie. Was quite shocked as I hadn't heard about any of that before watching.

My my viewing pleasure tonight, I have 'Pursuit of Happiness.' Wanted to see it in the cinema but couldn't get the time to go so now is the first chance I'll have to see it.

Im looking into watching the movie 'Tsotsi.' Anyone seen it? If so, what did you think?