Music Makers - Share Your Music!

Just curious, do you guys make them? I should probably just ask for a list of everything you make so I can find something else I want to play and can't afford.
I'm currently working on a prototype which should be way better than the one I've got, it's a lot of work though, building a violin would be much easier.
I have moved on to electric violin. There is another electric one I want, however I have been considering an acoustic one again since I no longer own one.

I would like to hear about anything interesting you are working on.
I like that sound klapse ... so much so, I remembered we have 'Like' buttons here!

also I d/l it for the motor
Fiddled around with my USB Audio Interface and got it to run easily via Linux now.

Just a traditional Mazurka for testing, played as always on my trusty wheel fiddle:

Haven't practised in a while and jammed my left index finger badly yesterday, so don't mind the hickups.
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Here are some new Acid tracks:

the third one is a collabo track with a friend... also Acid, but with some dub elements, I guess:

please enjoy!
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Something I recorded with my Sansa-Clip at last month's session ended up online:

I only do this to have an easier time finding scores and learning tunes but people loved this one in spite of the bad audio quality that makes my wheel fiddle sound so crappy.
Especcially the parts at 4:00 and 5:40 were fun and many of the usually hesitant people joined in.
Here are two more Acid tunes I've made in the past few weeks. The first one is a bit more aggressive, the second one more relaxed.

Something I recorded with my Sansa-Clip at last month's session ended up online:

I only do this to have an easier time finding scores and learning tunes but people loved this one in spite of the bad audio quality that makes my wheel fiddle sound so crappy.
Especcially the parts at 4:00 and 5:40 were fun and many of the usually hesitant people joined in.

I really like this one! :)

edit: hmmmmm... somehow my last two posts were merged automatically... strange...
Some tunes I play regularly atm: (this one is for Moxie as mentioned in his thread, r.i.p. mate...) (it's a 5/4 Waltz I've initially written for/on the hurdy-gurdy but works well on this one too)

I've been learning to play the hammered dulcimer for only about 7 weeks now, so have mercy on the rhythm problems, session on tuesday was awesome nonetheless.
The mallets were designed and built by me and handle extremely well.
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here are some songs i hammered out on a piano with just an iPhone (sorry, i know.) to record them. probably was a year or two ago, but only recently got around to locating them in various directories.

still trying to learn subtle dynamics and not just smashing the keys, but yeah, they're all a bit "off the cuff" anyways ;).

[edit] oops, didn't realize how badly normalized the audio was. went through with the "normalize" GNU tool (apt-get install normalize-audio) and that was an easy fix...

[edit2] switched over my chiptune songs to a new album:
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Here's a waltz I've written this month and recorded a few minutes ago, composed and played on the hammered dulcimer I've got since June with mallets I've built sometime in August, I think.
It's meant to be live dancing music supposed to be played over and over again with variations and several instruments going in and out as usual in Bal Folk.

Edit: Moved everything to Soundcloud.
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It's been going downhill since about 2014.

"But like some startups, it has struggled to turn its massive user base into meaningful revenue. As a "freemium" service, most people use the site without paying."

They couldn't have made that sound any less condescending.

I wonder what they've been doing all these years. Their Android app is slow as molasses (I used a crappy phone for the past two years, and now even my new-ish high end phone can't run it properly whether on eMMC or SD - so it wasn't the device but the program). Songs in playlist skip-play on some random trip-hop that was never selected. It uses massive amounts of data even though the entire playlist resides in the temp (SD card appdata), it goes nowhere and perpetually fills space as songs are played (which is why it's on the SD card). There's no reason for it to keep re-downloading temp files, and track comments shouldn't take much space either.

I can't report fraudulent accounts because it takes me to a page that doesn't exist. I have to flag users as "spam" and even then it doesn't properly block spambots. False "likes" suck for artistic integrity.
You cannot flag or re-tag tracks, so some artist decides to label their track "rock", only, it isn't.

Proper downloading or purchasing of artist tracks in a lossless format doesn't happen (Soundcloud has this bloat of data if you upload lossless, 128k with no volume control otherwise). If they had a option to buy tracks I would. I think Soundcloud wanted to be the social Bandcamp. Some artists refuse to use any other platform like Bandcamp (maybe mixcloud and some social analytics programs, but that's it) so I can't actually buy their music - so when Soundcloud dies, so does the music.

It's becoming the "dead mall" of music. Most of the artists are dirt broke, they've got some sand to rub out if they think they can use the "use the site without paying" scapegoat. It's more than that, they worded it as though people were stealing CD's in a retail store.
well that will save me from having to sign up for it to appease the part of my extremely large fan base who also use soundcloud exclusively!