GP32 My Makefile.......


it wont get the .fxe

# devkitadv base dir
export CCBASE=c:/devkitadv
# User options passed to the compiler
export CUSER=-DLITTLE_ENDIAN -DGP32 -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic
include $(CCBASE)/

all: hello.fxe

gpmain.o: gpmain.c

hello.elf: gpmain.o

hello.fxe: hello.gxb
	b2fxe -t "Hello Test" -b "gpicond.ico" -a "hello" -r "PD" hello.gxb hello.fxe

	del hello.gxb hello.fxe hello.elf gpmain.o
first make sure b2fxe is in your bin directory.
secondly make sure there is a tab before the b2fxe command, and nothing else
thirdly give up and move the b2fxe line into your batch file instead.

- Rico
stillm cant get it to function

seth.fxe: seth.gxb
	b2fxe -t "GP32 - Seth" -b "gp32.bmp" -a "Seth" -r "PD" seth.gxb seth.fxe
del *.o *.elf *.gxb
yuh i said batch file, not make file.

As I said in tutorial 2:

"Open up notepad or whatever and type in these lines:
del *.o *.elf *.gxb
..\emu\geepee32 /EXE=yourprojectname.fxe /RUN

Save it to your test directory as something like build.bat."

Well just add the b2fxe line after 'make'.

The 'batch file' you posted contains a makefile instruction, 'seth.fxe: seth.gxb' which should be in the makefile, not the batch.... get rid of it and make sure your batch file looks like the one above.
im having blems with the .gxb

cna you post the orignal make file? the site seems to be down
maybe it has something to to with autoexec.bat and the fact that you might've not put the set path in there.
Im having a problem with win xp and autoexec. There is no autoexec.bat, just 2 or 3 autoexec.nt files that dont do anything for you. <_<
Tsyayin, read part 1 of my tutorial -- you have to go to environment vars under control panel > system > advanced tab :)