
if no one else is experiencing this don't look too hard into it. i was mentioning problems i ran into thinking that others would have had them but if no one else is getting these crashes i would feel bad for wasting your time on something only im having a problem with.
is there any way i could get access to other fenix runtimes to try out? I know the version you're using is beta so maybe if I could try a different version whether newer or older maybe that would help.

I remember when you first said you were using a new fenix and i tried out the runtime with some other games and some other games definitely had problems with the runtime. also the new runtime seems to use the mmu hack which can at times make programs unstable and prone to crashing.

so as you mentioned before its probably an issue with the fenix runtime and not your code if its an issue at all for anyone else.
jbrodack posted on Dec 9 2006 at 12:15 AM said:
is there any way i could get access to other fenix runtimes to try out? I know the version you're using is beta so maybe if I could try a different version whether newer or older maybe that would help.

I remember when you first said you were using a new fenix and i tried out the runtime with some other games and some other games definitely had problems with the runtime. also the new runtime seems to use the mmu hack which can at times make programs unstable and prone to crashing.

so as you mentioned before its probably an issue with the fenix runtime and not your code if its an issue at all for anyone else.

You could try the version on the file archive. The other version I have was incredibly slow and almost unplayable.

I'm not going to look into Myriad at the moment for two reasons:

1. I am working on Berzerk 2X, which is coming on really well. I have the maze graphics and creation code working, I have Finished the Robot Graphics and AI and the player graphics and movement is almost finished.

2. I have a bitch of a cold and don't really feel in a debugging mood.

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