Nand Memory


When i connect usb cable it gets connected automatically, then removeable disk shows up when i select it and says disk not found in f drive, how can i install in the nand memory.
sukhigp said:
How can i copy from sd card to nand memory.
Squidge said:
You'll probably have to copy the file(s) onto an sd card, and then write a script to copy those file to nand (which is then run via the standard menu)
I'd ask Squidge for further details.
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cp /mnt/sd/<file or folder> /mnt/nand/
cd /usr/gp2x

replace <file or folder> with the path of whatever you want to copy and save this as a .gpe file and run it. Use notepad, not Word.
I'm trouble using enexfi, the only thing i can do is select the folders how do i copy my files from sd to nand.
Does FW 4.0 still have GPH's Explorer? It is easier to use (just not as feature-packed as enexfi). I don't have FW 4.0, so I don't know if its still there or how to use it.

I haven't really used enexfi, read the readme to figure it out.