New PC link


Active Member
Well, I can't read Korean, but I notice the movie folder contains a file mpark.fxe
If it is movie park, this would explain why it is no longer for sale-because it's free. (although I haven't tested it yet)

Actualy, it doesn't seem to want to install all the way :(
Ok it sort of works even without a full install, and yes, you get movie park free. How cool is that- for those who don't have it.

And a new vrsion of the mp3 player, which also crashes on mine. maybe because it needs a newly forrmatted card for the new directory stuff.

And it has a really sweet image viewer. A file called text viewer2 is also installed, but again bombs my machine.
The manager looks really cool. I tried out the version of Movie Park that came with the new manager but it appears to use some new format or something. It's looking for the gpm extension. I tried changing one of my old avi files that I used with the old Movie Park to gpm but that didn't run on this new one???? Not sure what the deal is.
Well the program wont install properly for me (asks for some mp3 file on disk 2?) but I am pissed about this moviepark thing, I just bought it a few days ago :(
Me GP32 is at me mates house at the mo...

Wanna play with the new MOviepark...

Keep the news about it coming - it MUST play DivX at least? Surely? :huh:
Free Moviepark ?
Could do with it-I never managed to download it properly anyway !
Anyone got a link to an english install of the full free moviepark (in english) 'cos I don't want to be messing about with an unworking foreign type one ?
it asks for an mp3 file?
i was thinkin if some one could mock up a file that had that name on it it i'd work.
but it has some funky symbols
Has anyone been to the site where it came from yet? I would imagine that it sprobably just a beta (or even alpha) of a new update. Inclusion of such unstable Mp3 players and Moviepark suggests that there might not be a new firmware on the way but an increase in PC to GP32 connectivity meaning that people get everything they need from the start without going through the sigup and download process which by now they must be realising is a problem for a lot of new users.
Just need the official encoder now, to encode to gme format i think.

Maybe its a version of moviepark to show rolling demos.
If you examine the example .gpm movie then it's not in any format I recognise, so I would say that there's still a good reason to own the old version. Don't be too disappointed if you've paid for the old version as it may still end up being better - propriatry formats usually end up being a pain.