NiGHTs into Dreams HD Remake

hehe, that game was strange, but I quite liked it... not exactly sure why...
They should have done that with the digital rerelease, wishful thinking to hope they'll do it with Sonic Adventure 2 in a few months time.
I'd rather see Shenmue III than HD remakes of the first two, but I'd settle for HD remakes of those too, it's not out of the question, isn't Jet Set (Grind) Radio due for a HD release soon?
+several million for Sega Rally!

I've seen a few cheap ones on craigslist, one went for $150 but i'll leave it a bit, may wait for the inevitable slim model, and speaking of slim, aren't there rumors of another slim ps3?
Well since moving to the US I've had to put up with an old 40gb with a dodgy av out (hdmi works ok though), I'll wait and see what comes of it before I drop some coin.
Rather than remaking old games I would rather see some more effort spent on making high quality new content instead. HD remakes rarily improve the title being remade.
remaking a game in HD rarely improves the game, but sometimes it's nice to have the high quality titles of yesteryear available on current gen machines so you dont have to drop cash into a console for a few games. I'm happy to be able to play Sonic Adventure and Ico & Shadow of colossus without having to set up my ps2 or dreamcast.